Loved this movie! Fun fun fun - one of the best superhero-movies I’ve watched. No scenes are so confusing that you don’t know what’s going on, like some other Marvel- (and all of the Transformers-) movies... :) And I love the Thomas the BIG engine! :)
Michael Peña was the only actor actually trying in this movie, and in a better world the studio would have switched his and the lethargic, unfunny Paul Rudd's roles.
Above some other Marvel films. If this came out during the first batch of films, I would've received it much more warmly. One of the few non-mediocre-to-the-core or worse, comic/super hero films in the past decade.
One of those absolute shit Marvel movies. Maybe if "Thor" was your favorite in the bunch you'll like this one. Sad how they put so much effort in one movie and then just shit out the next one.
"My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are done. What do you want me to do?
I want you to break into a place and steal some shit."
Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Is it Superman? No, it's just an ordinary guy named Scott Lang (Rudd Paul) who stole from some millionaires in a digital, Robin Hood-like way in the past and who can transform into a superhero the size of an ant by using a high-tech suit. This suit was designed by Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and reduces the distance between atoms. Thus, it's not a spider bite or the exposure to certain radiations that created Ant-man. Is it so super hero-like, say, like Spiderman? Yes and no. I don't think there's need for a sequel. The overall content is a bit too ... euh ... I could say a bit to "little" for that. But the tongue in cheek humor then again was enjoyable. Pretty much a sort of "Guardians of the Galaxy" humor. This was already evident from the beginning with this hilarious excerpt: "Hey, how's your girl man?
Oh, she left me.
Yeah, my mom died too.
And my dad got deported.
But I got the van! "
Marvel keeps coming up with new action heroes. That's no surprise since they have quite a collection after all these years. Besides the well-known superheroes like "Spiderman", "X-Men", "Hulk", "Daredevil", "Blade", "The Avengers" and "Iron Man", they recently introduced several new ones such as "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "The Fantastic Four". And next year, they'll add some more : "Deadpool"(I'm waiting impatiently for this one), "Gambit" and "Black Panther". And now they introduce Ant-Man at the last moment. Although I'm about to succumb to a Marvel-saturation, I'm always keen to see a new super hero at work. The advantage of Ant-Man is that you don't need to be a real Marvel freak to follow the story. And despite being one of the least-known Marvel characters (plus the critics were quite harsh), the film itself managed to be successful.
Ant-Man's objective isn't as grandiose as in most Marvel films. In other words there's no need to protect earth against total annihilation or subjugation. Hank Pym uses a devious way to put Scott Lang in a dilemma so that Scott is forced to help him with the recovery of his invention. And this because of the fact that it could be used for less peaceful purposes. Not very original as you might think at first sight and yet they knew how to make it an entertaining and action-packed adaptation of a action hero comic book. Especially with the emphasis on the comical aspect. A Marvel movie you shouldn't take too seriously. Actually, it's a kind of "Honey, I shrunk the kids", the adult version.
Unfortunately, the storyline is pretty clichéd. Another poor devil who gets no chance in society due to a mistake and is destined to return to his criminal activities. There's also a rising employee who filches the life's work of his employer. And then of course there's the inevitable confrontation between the end products of the two rivals. But "Ant-Man" is still an excellent film. Especially by the use of the interwoven humor (Michael Pena ensures some hilarious moments) and the superb special effects. The learning process Scott goes through to familiarize himself with the designed suit, is hilarious and splendidly visualized. The acting of Paul Rudd (who'll always stick in my memory as Mike of the brilliant sitcom "Friends") was acceptable. Although he doesn't look like real superhero material with his puppy appearance, he succeeded in showing an ideal mix of amazement and determination. Even Michael Douglas' performance was plausible.
"Ant-Man" is an action-packed, light-hearted superhero movie. Especially the end is breathtaking and filled with scenes that'll last a lifetime. Also the various references to other Marvel heroes was original, culminating in a confrontation between Ant-Man and one of the Avengers. Who thinks the hilarious talking tree from "Guardians of the Galaxy" would be unbeatable, will have to revise his opinion after witnessing this tiny little figure that travels on the back of an ant.
Rivals the original Iron Man as my favorite Marvel film. It's really tight, paced incredibly well and only a few silly bits of exposition. I'm shocked at how much I enjoyed this. I found it really entertaining, inventive and just fun. It won me over very quickly and built on that emotion by staying snappy and loose. I'm a huge fan.
Everybody was worried when this one was first announced. A full blown Marvel movie based on a character that few non-comic fans know was certainly a risky move but ultimately I think it's pretty good. It knows that it isn't on the same scale of the Avengers movies or any of the movies leading up to Avengers for that matter and that works to the movies credit. It focuses very much on a homegrown kind of unlikely hero who exists on a "street level" as it were and makes for some good cinema. Paul Rudd works as the titular hero with Douglas and Lilly rounding out a convincing cast. It's Marvel Cinematic Universe's first sub-hero movie and they made it work.
for all the hype and great reviews this film was decidedly average. cliched, predictable and done-to-death are words to describe the plot. performances were serviceable and the technical aspects were reasonably well done.
there's nothing really great about this movie. personally, this is one of the weakest movies in the MCU. i definitely enjoyed avengers 1 more than this.
i'm pretty sure if edgar wright had directed this, it would have been more than just funny in parts
The one word I can use to describe Ant-Man is : fun. It is so much fun. Don't try and take the movie too seriously - it does not take itself seriously. Some of the jokes are very childish but they still made me chuckle. The actors are good, the characters are good, the effects are good. None of it is amazing or game-changing - but that doesn't mean it's not good. Go see it, and have a good time !
I had a good time at the movies. Probably Marvels funniest movie. All the gags worked great on me. Just very nice to take things down a notch after Age of Ultron. Also very interesting to see bits and pieces of Edgar Wrights style in and around the movie, most prominent is probably the way Louis told his stories. Nice tie-ins to other Marvel properties, especially Spider-Man. To be honest the entire last act was pretty great, even though the set up wasn't all that good. That's probably my main gripe with this movie. As per usual, Marvel is not good with villains. The pacing feels a little bit off, and Michael Douglas' character isn't all that great. But still, the movie fulfilled my expectations and then some. This is a very decent movie, and keeping in mind that the director and the writers left the project 8 weeks before shooting, that's kind of a miracle in it's own.
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Comments 1 - 15 of 22
Loved this movie! Fun fun fun - one of the best superhero-movies I’ve watched. No scenes are so confusing that you don’t know what’s going on, like some other Marvel- (and all of the Transformers-) movies... :) And I love the Thomas the BIG engine! :)danisanna
Fun to watch!kaffy
Michael Peña was the only actor actually trying in this movie, and in a better world the studio would have switched his and the lethargic, unfunny Paul Rudd's roles.skinny_much
Above some other Marvel films. If this came out during the first batch of films, I would've received it much more warmly. One of the few non-mediocre-to-the-core or worse, comic/super hero films in the past decade.skinny_much
Just can't get into any more of these comic book superhero films especially by DC (not Nolan's Batman of course) and Marvel. All the same.Earring72
totally stupid premise but suprisingly very entertaining super hero movie. Good fun.BAD
One of those absolute shit Marvel movies. Maybe if "Thor" was your favorite in the bunch you'll like this one. Sad how they put so much effort in one movie and then just shit out the next one.Clintmwells
"My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are done. What do you want me to do?I want you to break into a place and steal some shit."
Is it a plane? Is it a bird? Is it Superman? No, it's just an ordinary guy named Scott Lang (Rudd Paul) who stole from some millionaires in a digital, Robin Hood-like way in the past and who can transform into a superhero the size of an ant by using a high-tech suit. This suit was designed by Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and reduces the distance between atoms. Thus, it's not a spider bite or the exposure to certain radiations that created Ant-man. Is it so super hero-like, say, like Spiderman? Yes and no. I don't think there's need for a sequel. The overall content is a bit too ... euh ... I could say a bit to "little" for that. But the tongue in cheek humor then again was enjoyable. Pretty much a sort of "Guardians of the Galaxy" humor. This was already evident from the beginning with this hilarious excerpt:
"Hey, how's your girl man?
Oh, she left me.
Yeah, my mom died too.
And my dad got deported.
But I got the van! "
Marvel keeps coming up with new action heroes. That's no surprise since they have quite a collection after all these years. Besides the well-known superheroes like "Spiderman", "X-Men", "Hulk", "Daredevil", "Blade", "The Avengers" and "Iron Man", they recently introduced several new ones such as "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "The Fantastic Four". And next year, they'll add some more : "Deadpool"(I'm waiting impatiently for this one), "Gambit" and "Black Panther". And now they introduce Ant-Man at the last moment. Although I'm about to succumb to a Marvel-saturation, I'm always keen to see a new super hero at work. The advantage of Ant-Man is that you don't need to be a real Marvel freak to follow the story. And despite being one of the least-known Marvel characters (plus the critics were quite harsh), the film itself managed to be successful.
Ant-Man's objective isn't as grandiose as in most Marvel films. In other words there's no need to protect earth against total annihilation or subjugation. Hank Pym uses a devious way to put Scott Lang in a dilemma so that Scott is forced to help him with the recovery of his invention. And this because of the fact that it could be used for less peaceful purposes. Not very original as you might think at first sight and yet they knew how to make it an entertaining and action-packed adaptation of a action hero comic book. Especially with the emphasis on the comical aspect. A Marvel movie you shouldn't take too seriously. Actually, it's a kind of "Honey, I shrunk the kids", the adult version.
Unfortunately, the storyline is pretty clichéd. Another poor devil who gets no chance in society due to a mistake and is destined to return to his criminal activities. There's also a rising employee who filches the life's work of his employer. And then of course there's the inevitable confrontation between the end products of the two rivals. But "Ant-Man" is still an excellent film. Especially by the use of the interwoven humor (Michael Pena ensures some hilarious moments) and the superb special effects. The learning process Scott goes through to familiarize himself with the designed suit, is hilarious and splendidly visualized. The acting of Paul Rudd (who'll always stick in my memory as Mike of the brilliant sitcom "Friends") was acceptable. Although he doesn't look like real superhero material with his puppy appearance, he succeeded in showing an ideal mix of amazement and determination. Even Michael Douglas' performance was plausible.
"Ant-Man" is an action-packed, light-hearted superhero movie. Especially the end is breathtaking and filled with scenes that'll last a lifetime. Also the various references to other Marvel heroes was original, culminating in a confrontation between Ant-Man and one of the Avengers. Who thinks the hilarious talking tree from "Guardians of the Galaxy" would be unbeatable, will have to revise his opinion after witnessing this tiny little figure that travels on the back of an ant.
More reviews here :
Liked it for Michael Douglas... Good comeback role for him..CSSCHNEIDER
Rivals the original Iron Man as my favorite Marvel film. It's really tight, paced incredibly well and only a few silly bits of exposition. I'm shocked at how much I enjoyed this. I found it really entertaining, inventive and just fun. It won me over very quickly and built on that emotion by staying snappy and loose. I'm a huge fan.DisneyStitch
Everybody was worried when this one was first announced. A full blown Marvel movie based on a character that few non-comic fans know was certainly a risky move but ultimately I think it's pretty good. It knows that it isn't on the same scale of the Avengers movies or any of the movies leading up to Avengers for that matter and that works to the movies credit. It focuses very much on a homegrown kind of unlikely hero who exists on a "street level" as it were and makes for some good cinema. Paul Rudd works as the titular hero with Douglas and Lilly rounding out a convincing cast. It's Marvel Cinematic Universe's first sub-hero movie and they made it work.aniforprez
for all the hype and great reviews this film was decidedly average. cliched, predictable and done-to-death are words to describe the plot. performances were serviceable and the technical aspects were reasonably well done.there's nothing really great about this movie. personally, this is one of the weakest movies in the MCU. i definitely enjoyed avengers 1 more than this.
i'm pretty sure if edgar wright had directed this, it would have been more than just funny in parts
The one word I can use to describe Ant-Man is : fun. It is so much fun. Don't try and take the movie too seriously - it does not take itself seriously. Some of the jokes are very childish but they still made me chuckle. The actors are good, the characters are good, the effects are good. None of it is amazing or game-changing - but that doesn't mean it's not good. Go see it, and have a good time !Chikamaharry
I had a good time at the movies. Probably Marvels funniest movie. All the gags worked great on me. Just very nice to take things down a notch after Age of Ultron. Also very interesting to see bits and pieces of Edgar Wrights style in and around the movie, most prominent is probably the way Louis told his stories. Nice tie-ins to other Marvel properties, especially Spider-Man. To be honest the entire last act was pretty great, even though the set up wasn't all that good. That's probably my main gripe with this movie. As per usual, Marvel is not good with villains. The pacing feels a little bit off, and Michael Douglas' character isn't all that great. But still, the movie fulfilled my expectations and then some. This is a very decent movie, and keeping in mind that the director and the writers left the project 8 weeks before shooting, that's kind of a miracle in it's own.Showing items 1 – 15 of 22