Somehow, the first movie made me feel sorry for Carrie, but this one made me hate her. And it feels that this move is supposed to be for teenage audiences only.
I completely agree with genheron though, I totally loved Julianne Moore as Mrs White.
It was so ridiculous... I think it fails because it tries to be the same as the 1976 movie and by copying it I think there's no way it can be better. I like the 1976 Carrie, but I don't think it's impossible to surpass.
I really think this was an opportunity to make it differently and be it's own thing, that way I'd have enjoyed it more.
Not terrible, actually, but not very good either. I did enjoy it, even if some effects and deaths were incredibly ridiculous, and so were some of Carrie's faces. Though who am I to judge a girl when she's surrounded by a flock of floating books, right?
Nice enough, don't regret paying for it and wasn't disappointed. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised how much better Gabriella Wilde was in this than in The Three Musketeers
Chloe Grace Moretz doesn't look or come across as vulnerable as Sissy portrays in the original and it's a major strike against her (even if you throw all the pumped up telekinesis out the window it wouldn't make a difference.)
She's also a whole lot more attractive than Sissy Spacek too, so there's that. It was much easier to believe the '76 Carrie White being a social outcast compared to Moretz, who could've been one of socialite "plastics" in Mean Girls.
So much of the atmosphere and social commentary that worked well in 1976 doesn't translate at all to 2013 and so it feels like a movie out of time. No doubt whoever pitched this remake thought "well, school bullying existed in the 70's and it exists now so... we're set! After all, the original film was just about bullying right? Umm.... right?" The thinking behind this one was akin to just taking the original and dropping it into modern day and it just doesn't work, the whole project is lazy and wholly unnecessary.
How and why does Julianne Moore, an extraordinary actress, pick such terrible projects? She's the only good thing in this film. Her delivery is almost (but not quite) powerful enough to make you grasp how terrible her lines are.
I seem to be kind of alone but I really enjoyed this. I didn't like the original and expected to feel the same about this but I really felt for Grace Moretz's portrayal of Carrie, a large part of the reason I found this such an improvement. I really think this is the best horror remake I've seen in a long time.
I like this version better. I felt sorry for Carrie in this one a lot more. Chris is much more bitchy (which is good) and I liked Sue more in this one.
Don't get me wrong though, I did like the original but who knows maybe I like the remake better because I saw it first or I like the cast better, I mean I love Chloe.
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Comments 1 - 10 of 10
They exagerated the telekinesis big time in this version.SaimonlesS
Horrible movie, one of the greatest waste of time I have ever experienced.batspaz
Somehow, the first movie made me feel sorry for Carrie, but this one made me hate her. And it feels that this move is supposed to be for teenage audiences only.I completely agree with genheron though, I totally loved Julianne Moore as Mrs White.
It was so ridiculous... I think it fails because it tries to be the same as the 1976 movie and by copying it I think there's no way it can be better. I like the 1976 Carrie, but I don't think it's impossible to surpass.I really think this was an opportunity to make it differently and be it's own thing, that way I'd have enjoyed it more.
Not terrible, actually, but not very good either. I did enjoy it, even if some effects and deaths were incredibly ridiculous, and so were some of Carrie's faces. Though who am I to judge a girl when she's surrounded by a flock of floating books, right?Nice enough, don't regret paying for it and wasn't disappointed. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised how much better Gabriella Wilde was in this than in The Three Musketeers
Chloe Grace Moretz doesn't look or come across as vulnerable as Sissy portrays in the original and it's a major strike against her (even if you throw all the pumped up telekinesis out the window it wouldn't make a difference.)Duke of Omnium
How and why does Julianne Moore, an extraordinary actress, pick such terrible projects? She's the only good thing in this film. Her delivery is almost (but not quite) powerful enough to make you grasp how terrible her lines are.Tish418
I seem to be kind of alone but I really enjoyed this. I didn't like the original and expected to feel the same about this but I really felt for Grace Moretz's portrayal of Carrie, a large part of the reason I found this such an improvement. I really think this is the best horror remake I've seen in a long time.cfish80
Not bad, even though it's pretty pointless. Nicely cast.Catherine Dixon
I like this version better. I felt sorry for Carrie in this one a lot more. Chris is much more bitchy (which is good) and I liked Sue more in this one.Don't get me wrong though, I did like the original but who knows maybe I like the remake better because I saw it first or I like the cast better, I mean I love Chloe.