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Comments 1 - 15 of 26

Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

The battle scenes were amazing. Well ahead of its time.
11 years 1 month ago
DerekFME's avatar


An astonishing and incredible achievement in film. Worthy of all its praise.
12 years 11 months ago
Simon Lavender's avatar

Simon Lavender

9/10 way better than expected, the romance, the character development and the bond between to 'band of brothers'. The letter scene at the end is incredible. Plus the action. Enjoyed the swing scene having just read the comment.
13 years 8 months ago
CoffinDancr's avatar


Incredible aerial scenes and the romantic tension was great but that "bubbles" scene was painful.
14 years 3 months ago
C.L. Weatherstone's avatar

C.L. Weatherstone

I was pleasantly surprised by this film. I thought that, with a running time of over 2 hours, I would get bored. But I found myself really invested in the story. Especially the Clara Bow storyline. She was quoted as saying "Wings is...a man's picture and I'm just the whipped cream on top of the pie." However, I think it's her scenes that make the pie taste so good.
9 years 7 months ago
meerkate's avatar


Awesome! I loved it a lot more than I thought I would.
12 years 9 months ago
ChrisMichael85's avatar


So glad they were finally able to get it on Blu-ray. It looks fantastic, and it truly is a classic in every sense of the word.
13 years ago
Forzelius's avatar


Mind blown, I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. So very captivating with all the intense and dynamic battle scenes. And the characters were truly three dimensional, David was a true MVP!
2 years 10 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The sharp, restored print of 1927's Wings, with motor, gunfire, and bombing sounds inserted into the score, feels a lot more modern than it otherwise might, but then again, I tend to give extra points to movies when I can't quite understand how they were made. And Wings is like that. It's not just the spectacular immersive biplane action (an obvious influence on the way dogfights were presented in Star Wars), it's things like the camera pushing in over several tables in at the Folies Bergères. It just looks like it could have been made today, and the actors are just gleefully doing a throwback to the silent era. Clara Bow, whose character I wish we'd seen as much as the billing promised, is part of that. Her acting style seems so natural and modern, and within moments, you're spinning out of control into her glittering wet eyes. Hey, at least she gets to see some WWI action and doesn't just leave it to the boys, romantic rivals who get to become comrades and more through adversity. Did the actors go up in the planes? Where were the cameras set? Is it all process shots and I can't tell? I don't really want to know. Let it keep its magic. Incredible action and effects. sprawling war reenactments, romance, comedy, tragedy... This is the complete package.
4 years 8 months ago
justwannaboogie's avatar


Thought I'd get bored with a 2+ hour silent film but I never did. A benchmark for what films should aspire to be.
8 years 2 months ago
Dieguito's avatar


Very good one. It deserves to be in history as the first winner of the Oscar for best movie!
12 years 7 months ago
maarow's avatar


Distinguished by amazing photography and Clara Bow's performance. To be honest I thought it was about 15 minutes too long, though.
3 years 11 months ago
ClassicLady's avatar


The filming of the aerial scenes was outstanding! This is my third time seeing it and each time I am amazed at the aerial shots they got. Seeing the blimps explode and burn was so real. The swing shot was fascinating. Unlike others who see homo-erotic meanings in everything, I saw none of that. I enjoyed the brotherly bond David and Jason shared as well as their love for a single woman. That's what makes the entire story work. Great picture!
11 years 11 months ago
Kasparius's avatar


Great film.
14 years 3 months ago
A Blue Roar's avatar

A Blue Roar

It keeps surprising me what kind of stunts and action scenes they could make in these old silent films.
14 years 6 months ago

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