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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)'s comments
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Comments 1 - 15 of 63
oh boy...Torgo
Only 11 people have checked this movie yet? What's wrong, what are all of you waiting for?CrunchySumbitch
While J.J. Abrams may seem like a good choice to shepherd this franchise into a new era--his sci-fi credentials are pretty ostentatious--I have to call a time-out and offer some counter-point.Star Trek Into Darkness was pretty entertaining and all, but did any diehard Star Trek fan buy into it? There was little actually wrong with it, but it snugly fit into the new Hollywood re-make paradigm of "An X-movie for people who don't like X-movies". Does anyone want to watch a Star Wars movie for people who don't like Star Wars movies?
Then there's Lost. The end of Lost was not worthy of the concept of Lost. That may not be entirely attributable to Abrams, but clearly he couldn't come up with anything better. Pretty big stage to fall flat upon. I'd hate to see that happen with Star Wars. Really hate it.
I just get the sense the guy is involved because of his "It" factor. I want to be wowed by Episode VII and the track record of the director has me thinking I'll be underwhelmed by something that doesn't live up to the legacy of Star Wars. Yeah, yeah, yeah Jar Jar Binks and "NooooOOOOOooo!!!" and all of that... fine. But if we're starting fresh there's no reason people who love Star Wars should have to settle.
So you better have gotten this right, J.J.
Unit 731:Except the iceberg.
Unit 731, it seems few people are getting your joke/reference.lachyas
What a time to be alive.IndianaJones
It doesn't beat the original and in some sections not even the prequels. It was a fun and enjoyable disney ride. Safe but nothing iconic.Luckily for the next movie we get another director because like any Abrams film: strong beginnings, weak endings.
I keep reading everywhere that "fans will love it" and after watching it tonight, i'm a little baffled because I don't think anyone could love this. A mishmash of the original 3 films but without the magic, it seems that Disney played this one safe and they'll probably earn $3billion as a result.It is "good", but without managing to capture that magical essence of the OT. It won't leave a sour taste like the prequels did.
But love? nope, not even close
Really enjoyed it. Lots of fun and captures the spirit of the original trilogy. Action, Special Effects and production design are all excellent. Story (although strictly a rehash of episode IV) works really well and keeps the momentum and suspense coming.Do have one big complaint, because it's basicly a remake of episode IV, their isn't much suprise.......hopefully they will make up for it with part VIII.
Seeing the original cast.......ahhhhhhh just terrific.
Comments above were after the first watch in cinema. Finally saw it again today. Still stand by my previous comments but the it also bothered me a little bit more how much of VI is just IV. Also the untrained Rey using the force THAT good without training......hmmm
Seeing it again in 2024 with my 9 year old son, who LOVED it. His favorite so far
The Search is on for the Legend Luke Skywalker. The First 30 minutes of The Force Awakens are fucking awesome, the opening credits to the action packed start, Its back with a bang it captures the Spirit and Magic of the original Star Wars, the return of Millennium Falcon was such a joy. Sadly in turns into a a remake with another plot about Death Star ( for the 3rd time in the Star Wars Movies) But this time the star is BIGGER and with BETTER EFFECTS.Oscar Isaac is in a lot of the best scenes in the movie, he needed more screen time, this man is a Superstar, The force is his screen presence. Hope he plays a bigger role in the sequels. I liked newcomers Fin and Rey and there backgrounds, good chemistry between the two, BB-8 over R2D2 any-day, Infact BB-8 is the best character in the film. Damn Han Solo is bloody old, its awkward him watching him run, the movie goes down a level when Han and Chewie appears, and down another when Princess Leia and C-3PO get of the ship. The film don't give the returning characters a background about what happened in the period between episode 6 and this one. A certain SPOILER lacked emotion to me.
The lead Villain Kylo Ren is bad-ass from the start, but he goes downhill from there, is family relationships seem forced and rushed, such a confusing character, Reminds me of a Young Professor Snape when he takes his mask off. Its hard to believe this really powerful Jedi that's turned to the dark side can struggle to beat young untrained Girl in Rey and former Storm trooper in Fin, Kylo Ren is quite weak and crappy, C-3PO might even have a chance of beaten him in a Light saber battle. Luke Skywalker with a beard is god, he will be this series version of Yoda, Hope he brushes up on is acting.
Star Wars The Force Awakens is a recycled version of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope, which leaves lots of unanswered questions. I Would say it's the 5th best Star Wars Movie from the 7. Director J.J. Abrams and Disney played it safe, low on creativity and imagination it lacks memorable scenes to be a great film, No denying it was a fun bumpy ride which I enjoyed the nostalgia but its brings nothing new to the World of Star Wars and Blockbuster movies.
I enjoyed the fact that Kylo RenAlso, the trailers had me a little worried, because I didn't think I could swallow
Which reminds me - after 7 episodes, we finally get a vibroblade! Maybe next time we'll even have a decent plot, for the first time since VI.
Nice remake.dream_tiger
94% RT...sounds like another one of Abrams overrated dogshit movies.Micaescalada
It is good but it is not a 9/10.Showing items 1 – 15 of 63