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demagogo's avatar


I was skeptical about this movie, yet I wanted to live the whole Corporate Hype Experience and made this the first time I watched a 3D/4DX movie. And it was worth the ridiculously high-priced ticket, mostly because technology is God as well as the movie itself was fairly entertaining. I wasn't bored a single second. I enjoyed the fan service even though never gave too much of a fuck for the franchise. The CGI extravaganza was beautiful, it encourages you to forget about the childish story and just enjoy it.

It does make me sad though that not anybody could experience cool shit like this because all your life might be consumed having to pay housing, food, health, education, children... For the sake of survival, sometimes we miss those silly things that make life something lovely.
9 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Star Wars: The Force Disappoints
9 years ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


So hard for me to write this without spoilers but here goes nothing. Episode VII is at its heart a re-hash of A New Hope in more ways than I care to count. Some of the similarities are done in a cameo-like fashion and others are so blatantly obvious that they nearly make you sit back and think "seriously JJ? I've seen this all before." Kylo Ren was the weakest part for me. Poorly acted in my opinion and absolutely positively shouldn't have taken off his mask until at least the next movie. When he does it you can literally feel the oxygen drain from the lungs of the movie. He's nothing more than a Darth Vader wannabe (which I realize he's kinda supposed to be, but I mean come on.) Captain Phasma was another disappointment, there was zero point to her being in the movie other than to set up for the sequel. Overall, JJ played it safe and ripped off a ton from A New Hope and personally I would have preferred something fresh.

After a second viewing, it occurs to me how much they tried to cram into this episode. To be honest I think they jumped way too far into the future from Episode 6 and because of that there is too much to catch up on. Make Episode 7 about all the past plot points the characters spoke about in the movie and make this movie Episode 8 and I think it works much better. There's just too much to take in the way it is now. Hoping Episode 8 is more relaxed and with the game plan.

I will say that the ending sequence of the movie was amazing. Goosebumps all over.

9 years ago
Faterou's avatar


Best remake of 2015
9 years ago
Houdini's avatar


You could tell who for sure wasn't going to die based on ageism in casting of any new character. I felt like I was watching the 'selfie generation' version of Star Wars. Ok movie but I also don't see how it cost so much to make.
9 years ago
IreneAdler's avatar


When they announced a new Star Trek movie I was very eager to see it - after the trailer I'd lost almost every interest.

The truth lies somewhere in between :) Movie was better than I expected after seeing the trailer... some visually appealing scenes and some funny ones. Was enjoyable enough for me to watch it once. Not sure I'll watch it again.

BB-8 was absolutely cute and hilarious, though! :)
8 years 12 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


Basically just a carbon copy of Episode IV "revamped" for the kiddies. Bigger special effects. Bigger Death Star. Everything is bigger except the diminutive prospective Jedi and the villain, which seems like the economarket version of Darth Vader. Just an overblown Disney toy commercial. Shame.
8 years 11 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


You know you didn't enjoy a movie when you don't even bother to look at the trivia section on IMDB.
8 years 10 months ago
Dawizz's avatar


Same gr@p I've seen before. This most be a reboot of some sort, too familiar to be calling it a "new" movie. You know your project is gr@p wen the best part of it is a prop (BB8)...
8 years 9 months ago
ikkegoemikke's avatar


"Hope is not lost today... it is found."

Finally I was able to admire this highly anticipated feature film. Although, I wasn't waiting impatiently for this new episode, like so many millions of other Star Wars fans. I always have to think hard while trying to situate this Star Wars movie in the whole saga. All that prequel, sequel or semi-sequel mumbo jumbo isn't something I'm thrilled about. To be honest it annoys me immensely. When I was an 11-year-old boy I went to the theater, together with an uncle, to watch the very first Star Wars movie. Afterwards I came out of the theater totally flabbergasted. It just knocked me of my feet. This was, at that time, never seen in any previous movie and was quite impressive. Especially for a young boy like me. The following two sequels build further on these foundations and kept the magic around Star Wars alive.

The magic disappeared for me the moment Episode I (To be clear, not the very first movie, but the first movie in the complete saga) came out. Hopefully they won't release an episode situated even further in time, otherwise they have to renumber the whole shazam again. Don't get me wrong. Episode I wasn't bad looking! That would be a joke. I'm sure that 22 years after the first original film was made, the filming techniques and the creation of computer animations improved significantly. Not? So for me the package on its own was more stylish and impressive, but the content was soulless. I had such a "lets-think-up-yet-another-episode" feeling (and that feeling stayed the next two films). Commercially "The force Awakens" was a masterstroke. "Let's go back to the essence and the spirit of the first movie" the masterminds of Lucasfilm thought. Maybe "The Force" woke up in this film. In my eyes it's just a harmless pilot flame what's left.

R2D2, C3PO and Chewbacca stood the test of time well. The only ones who couldn't stop their aging process, are Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. However, you can only see the latter for a few minutes. That's just to make sure there's room for some more sequels. And again, lets hope there won't be a prequel for this one, otherwise you can expect a Star Wars 4.2 and 5.2. However, I was wondering if the story, some events and the ultimate outcome hasn't been used before. Yes indeed. Just put the original film next to this version, and you'll soon find several analogies. And that even without a magnifying glass. It all looks well polished and stunning (the chase scene with Rey controlling the Millennium Falcon while being chased by two Tie Fighters, is breathtaking), but it had less impact on me as the very first film. I even knew when the famous phrase "May the force be with you" would be used. I think there's also a tiny, small "force" inside me!

More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
8 years 8 months ago
Realenur's avatar


The best Star Wars movie. No question about that.
8 years 1 month ago
danisanna's avatar


the series was as good as it gets but not going to lie, I did enjoy this one too.
7 years 12 months ago
Eskapisme's avatar


7 years 6 months ago
skinny_much's avatar


This is being added to the list of Hollywood mediocre and pandering to be easy for everyone film's that I didn't finish. At some point, there was no point in continuing. For recent movies, list currently contains Star Wars 7 (this), Rogue One, Fantastic Beasts, most recent Marvel films especially Doctor Strange.

If I hadn't been dragged along or forced to watch all the other Star Wars films before this, I may have liked it more. It's a passable film.
7 years 3 months ago

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