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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)'s comments - page 4
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Comments 46 - 60 of 63
I found it quite amusing actually and for me it would be the best Star Wars.Perhaps the only thing I didn't like is that both the girl and the boy know how to wield a lightsabre almost instantly.
The best Star Wars movie. No question about that.Baxrus
Loved it from begining to the end!I also like that you get closer to certain characters, and JJ did a good job.
The first six movies are really great, but the story is somehow flat in the context of how a 6 movie long story should be.
Both me and my friend cried during the intro.Autopoietico
The best piece of fan service that i have seen.The new characters have kg of personality.
I'm going to put this whole review in spoiler tags.On one hand, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a slobberingly, passionately mirrored retelling of A New Hope sprinkled with bits of Empire and Jedi for good measure.
On the other hand, it's just a great, magical film.
Strong story, strong cast, strong dialogue, strong special effects. Die-hard fans will see some of the twists coming when some of those echoes of the past show up, but that doesn't make them less dramatic or meaningful.
Perhaps it's the 30 years of pent-up desire for a new, good Star Wars film, but it's a near-perfect Star Wars film. Sure, it has a few odd moments and not everything is fully-formed, but for some reason it's captivating, riveting and a hell of a lot of fun.
To call it entirely a remake or an echo isn't fair. JJ Abrams puts his own stamp on this film in a great way. New characters abound, and the plot definitely surprises you at times.
Clearly the film is setting things up for a new generation of characters, but they're characters you want to spend time with, just like the original.
4 stars out of 4
dogshit.people who call movies 'fun' should go back to the cesspits of imdb and rotten tomatoes with the other philistines.
Great protagonists, horrible main villain. Kylo Ren is a whiny hormonal teenager (he looks and acts the part). I guess it's prequels and Anakin all over again on that front.americanadian25
Star Wars is back!
i cried. a much flashbacks and movie was great.
I've already seen this two times and seriously it's just amazing... The characters are great, b2-8 is just adorable, heck even Kylo Ren is inspirational... Many scenes made me cry... I want to say so much but I can't without spoilersThree people who never seen any star wars movie watched this with me and all of them loved it and will watch all the previous movies.
Yaaaassssas Rey, YAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!dvdllr
Unit 731, it seems few people are getting your joke/reference.CrunchySumbitch
While J.J. Abrams may seem like a good choice to shepherd this franchise into a new era--his sci-fi credentials are pretty ostentatious--I have to call a time-out and offer some counter-point.Star Trek Into Darkness was pretty entertaining and all, but did any diehard Star Trek fan buy into it? There was little actually wrong with it, but it snugly fit into the new Hollywood re-make paradigm of "An X-movie for people who don't like X-movies". Does anyone want to watch a Star Wars movie for people who don't like Star Wars movies?
Then there's Lost. The end of Lost was not worthy of the concept of Lost. That may not be entirely attributable to Abrams, but clearly he couldn't come up with anything better. Pretty big stage to fall flat upon. I'd hate to see that happen with Star Wars. Really hate it.
I just get the sense the guy is involved because of his "It" factor. I want to be wowed by Episode VII and the track record of the director has me thinking I'll be underwhelmed by something that doesn't live up to the legacy of Star Wars. Yeah, yeah, yeah Jar Jar Binks and "NooooOOOOOooo!!!" and all of that... fine. But if we're starting fresh there's no reason people who love Star Wars should have to settle.
So you better have gotten this right, J.J.
Showing items 46 – 60 of 63