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greenhorg's avatar


I would rather ... watch Cheap Thrills.
9 years 4 months ago
thaleya's avatar


Despite a few blatant plot holes, this film kept me in suspense most of the time. I was genuinely intrigued at the choices the characters were making, and suffered with them as they decided between impossible options. In different ways, I cared about every one of them.

It's dark and cruel, but I expected that, considering the genre. You don't put on a horror flick to watch puppies and rainbows. I particularly liked the ending. Though it was probably meant to be an end twist, I saw it coming, because that's how I would have written it myself (more or less).

All in all, it turned out to be better than I anticipated. This film is underrated. It made me think and reflect, and I like that.

And now I know for how long I can hold my breath.
11 years ago
epp's avatar


Linda, take one for the team!
10 years 6 months ago
Reira-chan's avatar


Dark, compelling and impossible to turn away. Makes me sick but unable not to watch. Wow.
11 years 6 months ago
blondy2323's avatar


I like horror movies and this one had a really interesting concept, it's definitely something new and I couldn't guess almost anything so that's always a plus.
9 years 7 months ago
On cinema at the cinema's avatar

On cinema at the cinema

The host was excellent in this movie!! lolol
6 years 9 months ago
the3rdman's avatar


An adequately misanthropic movie with a decent premise, dragged down quite a bit by implausibility and some hammy and cartoonish characters, particularly Jeffrey Combs' jarringly Ron Burgundy-esque performance.
10 years 7 months ago
moviesmylife875's avatar


Jeffrey Combs is flawless his performance is perfection, he is why I watch it. That is all.
4 years ago
Cimeries's avatar


I think calling this torture porn is a bit odd as the majority of the violence is only suggested or very low on gore.

I watched this film with a few friends and a few beers and we found it extremely entertaining - we simply couldn't wait to see what the next choice would be and were taking bets on which characters would survive. I guess if we had've watched it in a more serious mind-set we would have felt a little more empathy for the characters, but we had a really good time watching it anyway.
10 years 7 months ago
moviewizguy's avatar


It would be easy to dismiss Would You Rather as another mindless torture porn flick devoid of any artistic value whatsoever. I would even say that watching the film is probably the most unpleasant viewing experience I will have this year. However, the level of on screen violence is surprisingly restrained when compared to, say, the Saw films, and the story has a little more thought put into it than other horror films. While I won't say that Would You Rather is another mindless torture porn flick devoid of any artistic value, it's not revolutionary genre filmmaking either.

My opinion on this film is very mixed. It's a film that I know I would hate with my entire being, but the way it got a reaction out of me is quite admirable. I would be lying if I said I wasn't actively engaged or, perhaps, even entertained. However, the sheer mean-spiritedness that consumes the film should not be ignored. While one can credit the film's attempt to comment on human nature, it also has fun putting the audience in total misery too. In other words, the filmmakers want to have their cake and eat it, and that just doesn't work in this world. This issue is especially apparent in the ending, one that I'm sure the screenwriter created to top off all the ugliness that had already cumulated up to that point.

The ensemble cast is mostly sufficient, with Brittany Snow and Enver Gjokaj being the standouts. Jeffrey Combs, in particular, pulls off a memorable performance, but he was a little too over-the-top at points. The film is also well shot and lit, using implication to convey the violence than actually showing it in full detail, making it all the more effective. However, all of this doesn't result to much considering how utterly mean-spirited it is, which I'm pretty sure was the filmmakers' intent. Overall, Would You Rather, while an interesting viewing, is a nasty, ugly piece of work. 4/10
11 years 12 months ago
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