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Nightwalker's avatar


Will this movie generate a revival of East-Asian horror hype? Or will it just be the one? In any case, Rigor Mortis shows us that they aren't out of ideas after The Ring, The Grudge, Shutter, One Missed Call, Dark Water and The Eye. The aesthetic has improved a lot and the storyline still is as crazy and imaginative as ever. The Chinese take on vampires is refreshing in an age were our imagery is dominated by Western mythology and fantasy. Maybe the plot had a bit more potential and sometimes the editing is the cause for some narrative confusion, but all in all this is a cool looking and entertaining movie that resembles the above mentioned films with the cinematographic style of the Russian movies Night Watch and Day Watch.
10 years ago
Princess_Of_Snails's avatar


Some of the visuals in this film really stood out and were completely mesmerizing. The story itself was unique and well done, but a little confusing at times. I might have to rewatch this one so I understand where all the characters are coming from.
9 years 4 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Bizarre, but entertaining. Nightwalker lays it out really well.

Nice unique slant on the Asian horror movies you've probably seen before.
10 years ago
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