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Emiam's avatar



Almost a masterpiece! Fantastic. So tragi-comic I love it. Not many films/movies are made like this. Very exciting and superb acting.
I am surprised this film is still not in any official top list!
8 years 7 months ago
Torgo's avatar


.. and the grossest, disturbing Jensen film so far, too. And still hilarious!
9 years 1 month ago
Rodney Dangerfield's avatar

Rodney Dangerfield

Probably the most surreal of the Anders Thomas Jensen dark comedies.
9 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Habitual Mads Mikkelsen collaborator Anders Thomas Jensen creates something very weird with Men & Chicken, the tale of two brothers who discover they have a biological father they knew nothing about, a geneticist apparently living on a small island with, as it turns out, more of their bulbous-nosed brothers. In Riders of Justice (5 years later), Jensen would give Mads a bunch of comic neurotics to deal with. In this one, Mads IS one of the comic neurotics. With what I've just detailed about the story, you might guess as the big twist, but trust me, it's even more insane than that. Black comedy with some bizarre revelations. It's well made, with memorable if grotesque characters, and you can't really be sure where it's going. But the grotesque part of it could well put some audiences off. Is there a character here one can really latch onto? The one sensible brother (David Dencik), perhaps, but he's not necessarily the nicest man either. Let that go and enjoy the surprises as they come. Or do you just want to see movies where everything is familiar formula?
11 months 3 weeks ago
pegs404's avatar


funny and poignant, with a healthy dose of "what the hell?" thrown in. superb acting, beautiful cinematography, and a story that pulled me in much more than I initially expected. Dencik and Mikkelsen at their finest!
3 years 1 month ago
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