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Comments 1 - 15 of 17

missdaisy14's avatar


I have to admit that the first one is much better. It was trying too hard. There were parts that I force myself to laugh or smile even though I realize... it wasn't funny at all. The whole story was too fast.

Whenever I think of the 1st Pitch Perfect... the first song that comes into my mind is "Titanium". For the 2nd one.... Flashlight (if it wasn't only for Jesse J, I wouldn't even remember that song).

It made itself look like some sort of cliche movie. Very forgettable.
9 years 6 months ago
Maxahlia's avatar


It's nice to see girls potrayed as gross and flawed as we actually are. To me, this was maybe the most relatable movie ever. For some reason I maybe liked this more than the first one.
9 years 6 months ago
nowhereman136's avatar


not as witty or funny as the first, and also had a few too many subplots. Still, for guys who secretly love a'Capella, its not a bad film. I really laughed at more than a few moments and the songs were toe-tap-able. A worthwhile sequel, but one that doesn't get stuck in my head as the first one did. (shoutout to the awesome MN Vikings cameo)

9 years 8 months ago
nicolekidman's avatar


Meh. Bad acting and lazy writing. Didn't enjoy it at all
9 years 7 months ago
Slowlondon's avatar


Poor jokes, poor acting!
9 years 9 months ago
Tashimoto's avatar


Here's a list of things wrong with this movie:
-Unoriginal story
-Unfunny and predictable jokes
-Bad acting
-Messy plot, too many things happening.
-Romance scenes which came across as fake and forced.
-All girls have clone hairstyles and fake eyelashes
-Too many montages. spoiler

The only good thing was the music, Other than that this movie was very boring. Probably the worst movie i've seen this year.
9 years 5 months ago
Hippiemans's avatar


It starts out on a wrong note and the judges are terrible, just like in the first movie, but other than that Pitch Perfect fans are going to like it.

PS: A lot of fun to see all the cameos at the World Championship.
9 years 6 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


Sooo who won in the end? You know ze germans were still better right?
8 years 9 months ago
palefire's avatar


9 years 5 months ago
firewordsparkler's avatar


Hilarious and fun to watch. Loved the crazy cameos.
9 years 8 months ago
Gustavomz88's avatar


Why the characters are so cringe worthy
. they Worry for been cool, and actually they are unfunny and they are obnoxious like that music producer , the commentators and a big etcetera . maybe is because i didn't watch the first movie so i don't get the xenophobic jokes, fat jokes, fart jokes,etc.
5 years 2 months ago
danisanna's avatar


Some lighthearted fun and some good tunes.
5 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The first Pitch Perfect was okay. The second... not so much. A lot of it about repeating the same old beats, so returning the Bellas to underdog status by disgracing them and putting them on an international stage, having a completely shoehorned acapella battle, introducing a newbie with different ideas (Hailee Steinfeld, what are you doing in this?), having Anna Kendrik save the day, etc. The same but slightly different is par for the course in a sequel, but a lot of what happens is plugged in without any real thought to how it could logically happen. How does the competition timeline work? How do the special guests at the end get there? Just how contrived IS that battle sequence? And then there's the humor, which falls flat through most of the film, either because it's offensive (and doesn't earn the right to be) or because it's delivered by the fatally unfunny "Fat Amy". There are some nice musical numbers, of course, but mostly the villains', which is a problem they did not seem to fix in between movies. Kendrick's subplot, while quite predictable, yields some rewards (in part thanks to a sometimes entertaining turn by Keegan-Michael Key), and her generally sincere performance, along with Steinfeld's, wins the the film another half-star.
6 years 5 months ago
Dfigge's avatar


Feels like there wasn't an actual script and this was shot along the way. At the end you had something that can hardly be called a movie.
9 years 3 months ago


Lacking the charm of the original, this one leans more on the esoteric grossout humor of the original too much. Also, anytime I started to really get into it or enjoy myself scenes would be punctuated by flat, clanger jokes. Case in point, the finale is really great. I love that Flashlight song. Then when I'm truly caught up in the moment, Elizabeth Banks delivers a terrible gay joke that just ruins the triumphant moment. Just a bit of a shambles.
9 years 5 months ago

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