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lachyas's avatar


It's rare to see a movie so perfect. I mean I'm not saying it's a cinematic masterpiece or anything but I don't think I have a single complaint. Some people won't be fans of earnest tone or cliched feel-good elements, but these are both very deliberate and a part of what makes the film so enjoyable. The nitpick made in the comments here isn't even correct seeing as spoiler.
8 years 7 months ago


Drive it like you stole it.
8 years 8 months ago
Kublai Khan's avatar

Kublai Khan

I really enjoyed this. There are so many little touches and reference nods to the past that it creates an incredibly believable tableau. The acting felt a little uneven at times, but the music and heart more than make up for it.

The ending was great except spoiler
7 years 11 months ago
snowman181's avatar


Not perfect and not cinematically groundbreaking in any way but boy does the nostalgia invoked feel-good story work. The music is fun, too and it makes the movie fly by.

btw, the Back To The Future bit was, as lachyas points out, of course about seeing all the movies (that come to their cinema), not about the said franchise.
8 years 4 months ago
catherinefrances's avatar


This film is so beautiful and sweet and touching. There are so many nostalgic elements in this film, I think that's what makes this film so perfect.
Everything is like a fantasy in Sing Street, the music supports that.
8 years ago
Kenneth McMahon's avatar

Kenneth McMahon

"The Riddle of the Model" is a genuinely good song. Catchy little tune with a fun video which I may have watched multiple times after the movie.

(mod-edit: dead link removed)
8 years 2 months ago
Trippy's avatar


Really, really underrated movie that almost had no advertisement or recognition.
One of my favorite movies of 2016, and just such an amazing movie. Definitely worth watching.
7 years 10 months ago
nicolekidman's avatar


Lovely! Can't find anything to dislike about it.
8 years ago
frankqb's avatar


Rebelliously charming, oddly romantic with great music and a strong character to root for, Sing Street is a smash hit with toe-tapping tunes to boot!
8 years 1 month ago
LiterallyMe's avatar



To make such a movie that is entertaining for both younger and adult audiences, with a killer soundtrack, great acting and charming romance, is an absolutely excellent work. And it also presents some social issues without putting too much emphasis on them, which was a good choice, 'cause the movie would've been a bit of a downer otherwise.
It's not perfect, it does have some cliches, but it really doesn't matter. This movie rocks!
3 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Sing Street is a pleasant, if sometimes formulaic, coming of age story about a teenager in Dublin at the dawn of the music video age who, to get the attentions of a girl, starts a band. Not that he knows anything about music. And yet, he and his friends manage some memorable songs that sound like they come from the glam rock era of the mid-80s. You can actually track "Sing Street"'s style progressing through given inspirations to finding their own voice. The bravura production of videos lends itself to comedy, while family affairs push the drama, and of course, you need a big battle with authority figures in the end, well supplied by the Catholic school's headmaster. The movie doesn't skimp on the tunes, and pays great tribute to a relatively maligned period in popular music. Gosh darnit, I think those kids'll make it.
8 years 1 month ago
meliesmoon's avatar


Disarmingly charming. Did anyone else find it uncomfortable that they made a joke about putting a black kid in the band for a coolness factor and then only used him for a coolness factor.
4 years 3 months ago
Tiago Costa's avatar

Tiago Costa

4 /5

It's not quite at the level of WE ARE THE BEST!


(GOD HELP THE GIRL is still the tops.)

But seriously, after the nuclear holocaust that was Begin Again (née Can a Song Save Your Life?), the fact that John Carney has persuaded me to *consider* forgiving him in this lifetime is very impressive.

That being said, this *does* cleave much closer to Begin Again than it does to Once... Even if this dude is just going to go his whole life making "adorbz" movies about people starting bands. There's a fantastical element to it — even if these kids grew up to be Radiohead... and the chronology would work, if not the country... they're a little too good — but that's part of the charm. the casting does much of the heavy lifting here, and the lead kid is like a human masterclass in how to create an unformed teen wallflower without driving your audience up the wall. not sure if the movie earns its ending title card (or its ending, for that matter), but it got to me.

Also, why does the Irish Film Board keep funding movies about how people will do literally everything in their power to get the fuckkkk out of Ireland???
8 years 6 months ago
Bumperguard's avatar


Liked it, good music, very enjoyable and easy to watch. Though spoiler
8 years 8 months ago
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