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fonz's avatar


Did Hollywood actually make a great spinoff that equals the original? Now this is the way you update an old story with familiarity that makes it fresh(ish) for generations new and old. A lot of credit needs to go to the writer and director, Ryan Coogler, who with just his second feature has established himself as a force to be reckoned with. An equal amount of props needs to go to Michael B. Jordan who brings the necessary talent and ability to excel. Although I doubt he will get the usual recognition that a boxer role traditionally does, he still played his part to perfection. And you can't forget about the O.G. himself, Sly. Reversing the expectations of what should have been a wink, a nod and an eyeroll, he manages to lend the appropriate amount of gravitas and still allow the title character to shine.

I don't even like boxing movies and have a vague and mostly fictitious nostalgia for the Rocky movies, but this was an absolute knockout (pun intended). If you want to rebrand a franchise and pass the torch, this is how you do it.
9 years 2 months ago
palefire's avatar


This was a special film. The nostalgia hit me the same way as Before Midnight did with the Before Sunrise series. It's plaintive, and even whimsical at times. The standard Rocky faire of the big fight build-up was framed with appropriate philosophising and life lessons by the geriatric Italian Stallion. Rocky in the 70s used short garbled expressions and grunts to communicate. Now in 2015 his simplistic syntax comes across as wise and profound. It seemed earnest and real.
9 years 2 months ago
buddhalou's avatar


I didn't have much use for the Rocky franchise past the original, but Balboa, and now Creed, are definitely worthy additions. The boxing sequences in this film in particular are an amazing ballet between camera and subject. So well done. Good story. Good acting all the way around.
9 years 1 month ago
TeaDrinker3000's avatar


Excellent return to form from Stallone. Great writing and great acting. Its a nostalgic retelling of the Rocky story while standing out on its own. An incredible soundtrack too. This is up there with the original two Rocky movies.
9 years ago
aussieflickfan's avatar


I had heard good things about this, but after seeing it I can't believe how much I enjoyed it. I was very happy to hear about the Oscar nomination for Sly. Funny - I thought they'd gone out on a high with ROCKY BALBOA but CREED topped that fine effort. Will this be the end for the character now? Time will tell.
8 years 8 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A remarkable piece of filmmaking. Splendid long sequences -- choreographed with a delightful fluidity -- pepper this movie with the evidence of such skill that it lifts the whole picture. Michael B. Jordan (who likely knows something about having someone's name) deserves more big roles and accolades. The emotion of the story is believable and palpable, while it also dredged up important feelings for the original films.

The only complaint, and it's minor, is that it feels like it was given a bit of going over by Hollywood execs to make sure they had built in the obvious sequel opportunity. Unnecessary, but minor.

4 stars out of 4
8 years 11 months ago
Shidan's avatar


I've just watched it for the second time. At first I thought it was alright, but I've to say that I think it is genuinely a good movie, not great but well done.

Sometimes when I watch a movie I look at the running time, even for movies I like a lot, but this one was so entertaining that I didn't watch the time at any moment.

I think I'd put this movie almost at the same level of Rocky IV.
(Now I think I'm going to watch the Rocky movies again to refresh my thoughts on them, because I watch regularly only the first two).
2 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


Creed is adept at both continuing Rocky Balboa's story - making him a lot more sympathetic and charming a character than I remembered - and kicking off a new boxing movie franchise. References to the other films are obvious, as indeed, Michael B. Jordan's Adonis Creed lives in the shadow of his father Apollo. He wants to forge his own legacy, however, and the movie is the same, and we don't get a repeat of either Apollo's story, nor Rocky's. And yet, both the character and the film must embrace what has gone before. Both he and it are sequels, acknowledge it, and use it as a strength. A nice thematic surprise. But can it fight? I won't lie, I have a hard time getting into boxing movies. I don't care for the sport, and to me it's one of the most boring martial arts. All those fights kind of look the same to me. Creed isn't the only exception to this rule, but it is an exception. I found myself following the choreography and strategy a lot more than usual, either thanks to a well-judged script or Ryan Coogler's visceral fight direction. Put me in the ring, coach, I'm ready for the next one.
6 years 2 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I enjoyed the hell out of this. This is how you pass the torch to the next generation of Rocky fans. Loved it.
8 years 11 months ago
Malena's avatar


much better than expected! stallone deserved the Golden Globe Award!
9 years ago
Emiam's avatar


Better than expected. Got me to cry a couple of times.
5 years 9 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Watched it with very low expectations. Love the Rocky series and saw IV, V and Rocky Balboa at the cinema but skipped this one. Felt like a cheap sell out....................


Terrific reboot, spinoff, sequel. Very well made and acted by all. Very good!!!!!
7 years 8 months ago
chryzsh's avatar


Pretty formulaic story but Jordan does a good job!
9 years 1 month ago
Paravail's avatar


Goddamn that was a good movie!
6 years 6 months ago
TjSimo98's avatar


What a film, i'm from Liverpool and this makes me proud!
8 years 1 month ago

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