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123 min.
Joe Wright
Drama, Romance, Mystery
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8.2% (1:12)
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  1. danisanna's avatar


    To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to watching this. I’m not very good with period drama’s so I doubted that I’d like this. I anticipated a long and dull story. Instead, I got sucked in quite quickly. The story is very mesmerizing and it held me in its grasp until the very end. It’s a bittersweet story about love, sisterhood and, you might have guessed it, atonement.
    The casting is brilliant. Keira Knightley does a good job, but there’s something enchanting about James McAvoy. I love watching him act. No matter what role he plays, he’s always charming and quite simply, brilliant. Saoirse Ronan (Briony aged 13) also grabs your attention. Her appearance is striking, with her fair hair and steel blue eyes, but the way she demands your attention by her acting is superb!
    I’d recommend this movie. It’s not for everyone but it’s important to keep an open mind. If you do, you will get rewarded.
    11 years 3 months ago
  2. mrissa's avatar


    This is such an amazing movie, i almost started crying and believe my I'm not someone who cries really quick with movies. 15 years 2 months ago
  3. IreneAdler's avatar


    One of the best movies I've ever seen.

    The story is amazing of course, I'll have to read the book some day. It's an enormously gripping film with some humour, lots of drama and many very intense moments. The story is about the accusations of a child who sees something and does not understand it's meaning - and about all the suffering that's caused by that. In a wider sense, it's about how lies or stories can manipulate people and influence their lives.

    The movie is visually very beautiful and the music is really special - they integrated the sound of a typewriter into the score which relates to the story and adds a lot of suspense and just the right pace to some scenes. There's also an opera song in one scene which fits perfectly.

    Some scenes like a very long one-shot-scene at the beach are extremely special and really convey the emotions beautifully. I also loved the way some scenes were shown twice (from different viewpoints or with more details the second time) and some backflashes were integrated into the story.

    The actors were amazing. James McAvoy was absolutely stunning and completely disappeared into the character. Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley were great, as were lots of supporting actors. Even the kids and teenagers in the movie were absolutely wonderful.

    Lots of scenes were really touching, sensual or sad, dealing with some serious topics like war and abuse and with human experiences in general. There are some interesting scenes throughout the movie that have a symbolic meaning or mirror each other.

    Beautiful and absolutely recommendable!
    11 years 2 months ago
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