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ChrisReynolds's avatar


Genuninely scary. Its scariness does come from the use of jump scares, but it doesn't make the mistakes that many modern American jump-scare movies do of overusing them, using them on fake-out scares or of adding loud stings to the soundtrack to force the jump reflex. Some spooky and original imagery too.
7 years 9 months ago
sourcreampudding's avatar


Beware the passage of Jane Fonda. For her workouts wreak a great evil upon the earth.
7 years 6 months ago
Monteyn's avatar


The Middle Eastern Babadook
7 years 4 months ago
Larkspire's avatar


This isn't just the best horror movie I've seen in at least the past twelve months - it's also the first to scare me properly in a very long time. A story very well told which I'd recommend to anyone.
8 years 6 months ago
xianjiro's avatar


Found this much more interesting than that vast majority of 'shtuff' on the Zombie list. Won't say I was scared though there was one brief moment that caught me unprepared for the jump. Thought it was well-made and the juxtaposition of superstition against a reasonable war-related fear makes one wonder. Interesting and worthwhile watch, especially if approached more as a psychological thriller than 'classic' horror.
7 years 5 months ago
acoltismypassport's avatar


Can't believe I missed this one the first time round. Frightening as hell, and the atmosphere really works on you.
8 years ago
Tidorith's avatar


Might be somewhat overrated it terms of how scary the movie is, but that said, still a very good movie. The war provides a good backdrop and mutable environment for a horror movie that adds additional tension.

Aside from that it's essentially a well executed movie in a normal horror style, drawing on cultural elements from its setting - though I can't attest to how well it does this for people who are familiar with the culture.
4 years 3 months ago
GremVendetta's avatar


I haven't screamed that loud at a film for a long time. My heart's still racing. Very well made horror!
8 years ago
The_Comatorium's avatar


The fucking doll...
8 years 1 month ago
few visible scars's avatar

few visible scars

Yikes! I don't usually get freaked out by horror films, but this one has got to me. Astounded I've not come across it 'till now.
7 years 6 months ago
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