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ClassicLady's avatar


This movie began my love of French movies. And my fascination with Isabelle Huppert.
10 years 11 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


No, really, what is wrong with French films' English titles? Chabrol's Story of Women doesn't come close to the meaning behind "Une affaire de femmes", which really means "A Woman Thing", as in, men wouldn't understand. Isabelle Huppert plays a woman who gave women abortions during World War II, made friends with prostitutes, and had a dark fate (several times foreshadowed). It's a biopic, but doesn't feel like one until the third act where creative imagination takes a backseat to plot mechanics. I don't know how Chabrol can justify throwing in a few wild lines from a surprise narrator during that section too, but I resent it. But while it plays as a well-observed character drama about a woman who deals with women's realities in a time of misery, showing disdain for both husband and son, while embracing her daughter and other women with no judgment, it's excellent. It many ways, it's a parallel reality to Coup de foudre/Entre nous made 5 years earlier (Huppert typecast as the "bad" mom/wife?), but it's much less romantic.
1 year 4 months ago
ucuruju's avatar


Great Huppert performance— like always. The film doesn’t waste time trying to justify her actions— the usual critique of patriarchy and the injustices inherent in the marriage system are there but that doesn’t make Huppert any less of an irresponsible little fool. She manages to make Marie Latour (based on a real person apparently) charming, child-like, naive and also frustrating and infuriating. It’s a very interesting character. My only problem with the film is that the ending could’ve been less protracted since we basically know what’s going to happen as soon as she is taken away. If you’re going to introduce a narrator in the final moments of your film then have him speak once and be done with it. The movie just keeps going and going in a way that feels morbid, verging on manipulative. Still very recommended.
2 years 11 months ago
nicolaskrizan's avatar


»woman is the nigger of the world«, vichy-syle

12 years 11 months ago
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