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Comments 1 - 15 of 34

dajmasta94's avatar


I see people not getting this movie in the comments. The point isn't to view this as a regular movie. It is truly an experience. The goal is to put you in the main character's head. Question his sanity and therefore you start to question everything and everybody just like he does and at the end you feel just like Douglas does. It's a movie that makes you apart of it in a way that I have never felt before. You can criticize how unrealistic a lot of it is but you're missing the point entirely...
8 years 10 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


I don't mind it when films are unrealistic, as long as the unrealism "fits." The preposterous ending of The Game, as entertaining as it was, did not fit.
12 years 10 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


Another great movie by David Fincher.
Really enjoyed it: It's thrilling, surprising... with lots of twists, a nice pace and a menacing atmosphere.

Wonderful acting by Michael Douglas and Sean Penn!
9 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


David Fincher's often forgotten The Game. It's a very well made thriller in which Michael Douglas (always at his best as a hard-put-upon business man) signs up for a "game" (for the man who has everything) and finds it's more than he bargained for. I wasn't sure it'd be as good if I already knew the twist(s), but The Game is made well enough that I still found it engrossing and clever. When you look at Fincher's other films, even a failure like Alien3, there does seem to be more of a vision at work, and I can understand why The Game would have been lost in-between Se7en and Fight Club, but it's still worth your attention.
9 years 4 months ago
Limstift's avatar


I dont know if this movie is a good movie or a bad movie. I think the movie (or the plot) went way to far, it becomes so unrealistic.

But, at times it was exciting.
10 years ago
HEMA's avatar


Looking at the Fincher filmography, just realised that one more of my favourites is actually by him!

Now I understand why it is so great!
12 years 1 month ago
brainfabias's avatar


Fincher disappointed me here. The twist was quite expected, and the story was way too unreal. spoiler :/ ...
12 years 12 months ago
gobberpooper's avatar


The reason this movie didnt work for me is that its never *not* the game. Literally every tiny thing that happens is under their control so youre never surprised. Hell at one point he goes to flush the toilet I guessed correctly it would clog and overflow and it happens. So what starts off as legitimately good thrilling suspense ends up being bad infomercial-level cheesy. By the time the final surprise is revealed, it felt like an I Think You Should Leave sketch. Might as well have been Tim Robinson instead of Sean Penn.
3 years 7 months ago
corchap's avatar


Honestly none of the twists surprised me. I think maybe because i've seen all of Fincher's other works that the "fincherisms"- a term he hates because it works against him- did not surprise me. I've grown to respect him as a director but his works no longer have the ability to persuade me the way he intends.

For me this film was about the absurd ways that the rich entertain themselves. it is foreign to us lower classes and looks ridiculous, because it is.
this wasn't experience cinema for me, nor a mind fuck. actually.. being unrealistic is sort of the point. cause the fact that him and other rich people pay money to have these extremely elaborate games is insane. but then so is all the realistic ways that the rich entertain themselves.
Like.. he paid for this service. how did that stump audiences?
4 years 9 months ago
ProstheticDick's avatar


Really entertaining film with mystery and a few twists. Love a lot of Fincher's work, but did feel that there were a few pacing issues with this movie. Well worth a watch.
11 years 1 month ago
dpanter's avatar


You just lost the game
13 years 6 months ago
mcmakattack's avatar


What can I say, I like a movie with some twists and some turns. Some especially good and subtle performances from the supporting cast, namely James Rebhorn and Armin Mueller-Stahl.
2 weeks ago
Beingtaki's avatar


But liked it.
5 years 2 months ago
AsteroidBlues's avatar


How many times did he say «what is this?»
5 years 8 months ago
HyliaFischer's avatar


Michael Douglas as an asshole forced to become invisible to start seeing. Awesome movie!
5 years 10 months ago

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