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Greta90's avatar


The only reason I finished the movie was to see the b*tch die.
3 years 10 months ago
kurisu1974's avatar


Great first 45 minutes. Horrible everything else.
3 years 10 months ago
arrbrr's avatar


Rosamund Pike is at her annoying best. Best 45 - 50 mins and then goes down from there.
3 years 10 months ago
Torgo's avatar


In a way, this is the cynical cousin of recently released Promising Young Woman; it's both a twisted thriller and pitch black satire, leaving the viewer often torn, amused or annoyed as hell. It seems that many people HATE this film while others are delighted by its bold stylistic presence, so you may probably see it for this reason alone. Certainly one of the more polarizing efforts of the early season.

I wanted to like it even more than I did, particularly for the (sometimes hammering) soundtrack and great leads. But somehow, after half of its runtime, the movie almost appears like wanting to stumble over its own feet with just another twist and turn. It's outrageous and increasingly implausible. Just who develops such a brilliant concept to go "ah fuck it" towards the end. (And I was able to deal with a protagonist you basically loathe, because, why not.)
Still, quite an experience.
3 years 10 months ago
God's avatar


Rosamund Pike is THAT bitch
3 years 10 months ago
meltemsultan's avatar


I see this film is pretty polarizing but...I dont see the reasons people are giving as sufficient. Nothing REALLY happens for me to hate it nothing REALLY happens for me to love it. At most im indifferent.

3 years 10 months ago
GreyScarf's avatar


Rosamund Pike never disappoints!
3 years 10 months ago
alexthekid's avatar


Wow, this film was annoying as hell. And can't anyone do their job right? Is it that hard to kill someone if you're THAT powerful? Jesus. I couldn't wait for her to die already.
3 years 6 months ago
CakeofSugar's avatar


You can make a film about horrible, unredeemable characters, but you can't also expect an audience to root for them when you put them in peril, especially when that peril is one of their own making.
3 years 10 months ago
SweetVanillaFreshness's avatar


This movie went kinda full circle after the Luigi CEO murder.
1 week 2 days ago
Siskoid's avatar


I don't much care for the title, but I Care a Lot is a great little black comedy, and the blacker they are, the more polarizing they seem to be. Rosamund Pike plays an unscrupulous professional "guardian" who bleeds elderly wards of the state dry in what I hope is less a documentary than it probably is. But when she, let's say it, kidnaps the wrong person, all hell breaks loose. As this is a comedy, the criminals can be pretty hapless so she has a shot, but she still needs to be extremely smart and is. Not that we root for her exactly. She's a terrible, if compelling, character, entirely driven by hubris. As are most people in the story. I Care a Lot is actually a heist movie, where the leads stake out the prize, get their hands on it, then realize they have a lot more work to do to get away with it. But unlike the fun gang of an Ocean's Eleven, Pike is destroying people's lives for profit. In a story where there are no real good guys, the point isn't to root for anyone anyway (except maybe righteous Fate). I think the ending could have benefited from extra irony, but yeah, I dug (and was sometimes horrified by) this unusual con job/heist flick.
3 years 10 months ago
bebedoze's avatar


I knew it would be good, but I didn't expect it to be this fricking awesome!
3 years 10 months ago
Simon Lavender's avatar

Simon Lavender

Rollercoaster of emotions. Great script and direction! 8/10
3 years 10 months ago
topichtennis's avatar


I almost couldn't make it through this miserable movie. At least some of the performances were good.
3 years 10 months ago
BadFluffy's avatar


It's funny to me how after 20 years of tv putting despicable criminals front and center, from the Sopranos to Breaking Bad, the same people who incense those shows seem to look for superheroes in movies.
Somehow it feels like if the protagonist was a male grifter, everyone would be giving the movie the thumbs up...
But it's a despicable woman and we can't have that.
3 years 10 months ago
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