Pssst, want to check out Borderlands in our new look?
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Not as bad as the review bombing made it out to be but definitely not as good as it could have been.
Some of the cast are great in their parts, some are just so bad it constantly undoes what fun and immersion the others can bring.
I haven't seen special effects that bad in a while but the worst comes from the inept storytelling.
There are good action scenes but the narrative is all over the place and half the jokes fall terribly flat.
It is no worse than a lot of Marvel/DC movies if you're going to spend 90 mn turning your brain off but it could have been so so much more. 4 months 1 week ago -
So this film is not unwatchable and is a better movie than Rebel Moon, but that is not to say it is good. It isn't as bad as the reviews make you believe. The biggest problem with this movie is the people who made this film, clearly had no application for the games and most likely majority hadn't played a single one. The characters that were ripped from the game like Lilith, Tiny Tina, and others are played by actors who probably know nothing about the game and therefore do not capture the characters at all. They are okay, but why not create original characters in the world or Borderlands? Also, the games are mature-rated with very adult humor and cartoonish violence, the movie is pg-13 and a lot of the humor felt dumbed down to fit the PG-13 rating, they should have made it R as originally planned. The fact that the co-writer of the movie doesn't exist is very telling.
Why do studios still give Eli Roth so much money to make movies? He has made 7 terrible movies with 2 great ones and 1 one that was just good. (Cabin Fever and Hostel were great, while Thanksgiving was good) Sadly this movie really misses the mark on what could have been great. The cast if full of top-notch actors, Gena Gershon, Cat Blanchette, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jack Black, and Édgar Ramírez. Kevin Hart who is now the same character in all his movies, does a fine job overall. The acting is good if you have original characters but not good if you compare them to the game characters. the best character in the movie was ClapTrap voiced by Jack Black. Who does his best with a script that more people have rewritten than almost any film? Why can't we have a video game movie actually made by people who love the source material?
It is too bad Dungeons and Dragons Honor Amongst Thieves did do better as it was great and felt like it was made by people who actually played D&D. There are 3 official games and 1 prequel, with a handful of spinoffs, why couldn't they just take the story of the game or work with the game writers to write the script? Visually the movie captures the look of the characters (except Tiny Tina who doesn't really look anything like the game character). Also considering how fast-paced the game is and has non-stop action except a few quiet moments when you are in town, the movie is slower-paced and does 0 world-building as well as barely explaining who the characters are, so it feels like it was made for fans of the game. While at the same time making a film that seems to not be for fans of the game, since it didn't really feel like the game at all aside from the visuals. Also, why change the origins of characters?
Overall the big issue with the movie is a script that was rewritten multiple times including reducing it from R to PG-13. I wonder how the original script was back when it was an R-rated film. Also how much of the script is Eli Roth and how much is Joe Combie (today's Alan Smithee)? Hopefully one day we will get a great Borderlands movie as it is a really fun series that deserves better. 1 month 1 week ago -
Marcus Fenix
Just saw it in a theatre today, and as heavy gamer who has played all the Borderlands games, I have to say I liked it! I dont get why critics have " universally panned" it?!
Its fun! Just go watch it if you are into videogames. 6 months 1 week ago
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