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  1. 208
    1001 Movie Posters's icon

    1001 Movie Posters

    Ranking #208
  2. 250
    Clio på bio: om amerikansk film, historia och identitet (2006)'s icon

    Clio på bio: om amerikansk film, historia och identitet (2006)

    Ranking #250
  3. 1172
    Film - Ronald Bergan (2006): A-Z of Directors - WHAT TO WATCH's icon

    Film - Ronald Bergan (2006): A-Z of Directors - WHAT TO WATCH

    Ranking #1172
  4. 216
    FILM NOIR - From Berlin to Sin City (Mark Bould)'s icon

    FILM NOIR - From Berlin to Sin City (Mark Bould)

    Ranking #216
  5. 19
    Film Noir - TASCHEN's icon

    Film Noir - TASCHEN

    Ranking #19
  6. 103
    Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era (1940-1959)'s icon

    Film Noir Guide - 745 Films of the Classic Era (1940-1959)

    Ranking #103
  7. 217
    Leonard Maltin's Must-See Movies 2011 - 365 reviews and recommendations's icon

    Leonard Maltin's Must-See Movies 2011 - 365 reviews and recommendations

    Ranking #217
  8. 298
    Murder on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,000 Murder and Mystery Movies on Video (1997)'s icon

    Murder on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,000 Murder and Mystery Movies on Video (1997)

    Ranking #298
  9. 269
    The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller's icon

    The Art of Noir - Eddie Muller

    Ranking #269
  10. 546
    The Big Screen - The Story of the Movies (2012) - David Thomson's icon

    The Big Screen - The Story of the Movies (2012) - David Thomson

    Ranking #546
  11. 1772
    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews's icon

    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews

    Ranking #1772
  12. 93
    The World Viewed (Enlarged Edition) - Stanley Cavell - 1979's icon

    The World Viewed (Enlarged Edition) - Stanley Cavell - 1979

    Ranking #93
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