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Comments 1 - 15 of 24

TheBanana's avatar


Sooo many spoilers in these comments!
12 years 4 months ago
TalkingElvish's avatar


Felicity Jones is a star in the making, she is utterly compelling and believable. Some really well observed moments, but the appeal of Anton Yelchin is beyond me. I too had issues with the pacing. Still, worth a look if you love Before Sunrise and other relationship movies with naturalistic and (and, in this case actually) improvised dialogue.
12 years 11 months ago
dainamo's avatar


Well shot, but very meh...
12 years 11 months ago
dippygirl78's avatar


I loved this film so much, you can feel the love between the main characters and their frustration at being apart. There are fair comments about there being no plot to speak of but I think that is why I like it, it is purely about how they feel for each other.
10 years 1 month ago
ODIE's avatar


Hit close to home.

Lived in NY and had a girlfriend from Belgium coming to stay after 8 months.

I overstayed my visa and now 20 years gone I'm having trouble showing of NY to my son.

Mistakes of the heart, but I really wish US visitationlaws could be a little bit more fair.

Snoop dog and such druggies roam the earth and all I ever done was to stay in NY to be with a girl that I loved past my visa.
11 years 6 months ago
Marovan's avatar


It is well done but the plot doesn't pack much punch.
12 years 3 months ago
Jay AK's avatar

Jay AK

I don't know why, but I love this movie. An amazing love story even through long distance
8 years 8 months ago
Zolex's avatar


In a world of big-budget movies with a lot of glamour and unrealistic characters and storylines comes Like Crazy. It's beautiful depiction of a real-life scenario where a young couple endures problems too big to handle at such a young age, yet they work threir way through it, in some way or another.

I absolutely loved this, yet it was terrifying to watch, as this is what the world gives us if we are unlucky/lucky enough to find love in places where you have to work around laws to make it work. I couldn't help to think about all the couples who have been in this mess, and without having first-hand experiences with this, as an outsider, it seemed to be a well told story.

The acting, picture, sound and plot all worked well together. There are some flaws and errors coming and going, but I was so into the story it didn't bother me. The end was absolutely magnificent, spoiler Because of this, I will say it's respectable 9/10.
10 years 1 month ago
jaana's avatar


This movie really hit home for me, as it made me think of my first love and the feelings I used to have back then. It was all very childish, obviously, much like in this movie, but everyone goes through that in their lives. I was very impressed by Felicity's acting in particular. She's good at channeling strong emotions and I pretty much felt it all in my bones. Can't wait to see more of her. It's a sad movie, but any movie that makes you feel something is worth a watch, imo.
12 years 1 month ago
mariannepaqn's avatar


such a sad film. really enjoyed the cinematography, beautifully directed. the actors are great. loved it
12 years 2 months ago
ericaf's avatar


The film was a little slow and tedious but otherwise a quite honest depiction of how easy it is to fall in and out of love. Worth the watch.
12 years 9 months ago
Victorialie's avatar


The cinematography and acting is what makes this movie worth watching. It is absolutely beautiful to watch. I liked the story but I didn't find myself becoming too involved... I merely enjoyed looking at the film because it really is wonderfully shot. And unlike most people I liked the ending. It was sad, but real.
13 years ago
thatsnogreg's avatar


The film was beautifully shot, directed and acted. Its just the pacing of the story was utterly terrible. I had no involvement in the romance as they exchanged one bit of dialogue, next minute they are madly in love. Silly stuff but narrative quips aside it was a great film!
13 years ago
JCL's avatar


Different. I liked it, not the best I've seen but very good. The soundtrack is amazing.
13 years 1 month ago
gerlistejada's avatar


I had an hour to kill before "Young adult" started so me and a friend decided to watch this one until it started. I have yet to see the ending but from the reviews I'm presuming I should just make my own ending in my head. :0/ I was looking forward to see how it all ended between them two.
13 years 1 month ago

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