Order by:
  1. 4
    Bloody Disgusting's 10 Awesome Outcast Revenge Horror Movies's icon

    Bloody Disgusting's 10 Awesome Outcast Revenge Horror Movies

    Ranking #4
  2. 20
    Dysphorroria's icon


    Ranking #20
  3. 163
    Films with Mental Health Themes's icon

    Films with Mental Health Themes

    Ranking #163
  4. 172
    WLW / Sapphic / Lesbian films's icon

    WLW / Sapphic / Lesbian films

    Ranking #172
  5. 315
    Foot fetish's icon

    Foot fetish

    Ranking #315
  6. 355
    Contains animal cruelty's icon

    Contains animal cruelty

    Ranking #355
  7. 393
    Sadomasochism's icon


    Ranking #393
  8. 712
    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido's icon

    ranked GSSRM/MOGII meta-list by Fergenaprido

    Ranking #712
  9. 841
    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult's icon

    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult

    Ranking #841
  10. 1059
    Depressing stuff + Pessimism's icon

    Depressing stuff + Pessimism

    Ranking #1059
  11. 1373
    Saturn Awards: nominees's icon

    Saturn Awards: nominees

    Ranking #1373
  12. 1697
    Movies mentioned as "feminist"'s icon

    Movies mentioned as "feminist"

    Ranking #1697
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