Order by:
  1. 28
    The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Horror Films's icon

    The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Horror Films

    Ranking #28
  2. 57
    TSZDT: The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Horror Films FULL LIST's icon

    TSZDT: The 21st Century’s Most Acclaimed Horror Films FULL LIST

    Ranking #57
  3. 116
    Mightysparks' Favourite Horror Movies's icon

    Mightysparks' Favourite Horror Movies

    Ranking #116
  4. 127
    iCM Forum's Highest Rated Horror Movies's icon

    iCM Forum's Highest Rated Horror Movies

    Ranking #127
  5. 132
    PopOqtiq's 200+ Greatest Horror Films's icon

    PopOqtiq's 200+ Greatest Horror Films

    Ranking #132
  6. 152
    Rue Morgue's 200 Alternative Horror Films's icon

    Rue Morgue's 200 Alternative Horror Films

    Ranking #152
  7. 233
    Temp Faves List's icon

    Temp Faves List

    Ranking #233
  8. 251
    mightysparks' Favourite Films (old)'s icon

    mightysparks' Favourite Films (old)

    Ranking #251
  9. 272
    mightysparks' Favourite Films's icon

    mightysparks' Favourite Films

    Ranking #272
  10. 376
    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations

    Ranking #376
  11. 450
    Pervy Stuff's icon

    Pervy Stuff

    Ranking #450
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.