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Comments 1 - 9 of 9

Wise Jake's avatar

Wise Jake

Bela Lugosi's performance is masterful.
10 years 7 months ago
mightysparks's avatar


That kid was the most annoying thing ever.
12 years 10 months ago
Zeltaebar's avatar


It looks and feels like the two first Frankenstein movies and Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi are excellent in their roles. Unfortunatly, the screenplay is far below par. The plot is almost non-existent, there are very few scares or murders. A lot of stuff that could have been made ino exciting stuff, such as the revenge killings, are hardly touched upon. Instead we get an atmosperic, but slightly boring effort (as nothing much really happens). This could have been so much better. A shame...
13 years 4 months ago
hugeposuer's avatar


What is up with that kid? WEELLLL, HELLLOOO
13 years 6 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


In Son of Frankenstein, Henry's son Wolf takes ownership of his father's barony and in due course, resurrects the dormant creature, played for the last time by Boris Karloff. But the real monster is Bela Lugosi's Ygor, now more deformed than ever, and seemingly protective of the Monster, though in reality he is its new master. Lugosi makes the character defiantly jolly, and a villain in his own right. Basil Rathbone as Frankenstein Jr. gets more and more discombobulated as the pacey story moves forward and he gets in trouble with a one-armed inspector (Lionel Atwill)... Really memorable characters in this flick, which I think I like better than the original and Bride. The story doesn't have any of its predecessors' longueurs, and the sets have a fun abstract quality, as if Castle Frankenstein had been created by Ken Adam. I do wonder why the kid - another "Son of Frankenstein", I suppose - has a Southern accent though. A small complaint, because he's fine otherwise (which isn't a given when it comes to children in movies like this).
6 years 3 months ago
essaywhu's avatar


A lot of people are complaining about the kid in this film which I agree is pretty awful pandering, but he went on to voice Bambi, so he isn't all bad.
8 years 11 months ago
mcmakattack's avatar


The monster is pretty much just the Golem in this, which sort of undermines the growth of the monster as a character through Bride of Frankenstein. Bela Lugosi is amazing as Ygor.
1 year 5 months ago
Camille Deadpan's avatar

Camille Deadpan

I think the movie set (especially the interior of the manor house) is superb.
Ygor (Lugosi) has the best laugh ever. Well it's more of a chuckle actually.
10 years 2 months ago
Deus ex-Machina's avatar

Deus ex-Machina

Nice one. The kid delivered a nice performance!
13 years 4 months ago
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