Better than I expected, but I generally don't expect much in sequels. Can understand why it's a hit with some though - it really feels much more professional than what one expects given a whole new crowd was involved in its creation. I appreciate that they explored the "what next for Norman" question respectfully - after all, they're surfing on a wave created by one of the greats!
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Comments 1 - 15 of 15
Talk about muther issues!Better than I expected, but I generally don't expect much in sequels. Can understand why it's a hit with some though - it really feels much more professional than what one expects given a whole new crowd was involved in its creation. I appreciate that they explored the "what next for Norman" question respectfully - after all, they're surfing on a wave created by one of the greats!
Certainty better than I expected but overall not all that fulfilling..americanadian25
There really didn't need to be a sequel to Psycho... that said, it ain't all that bad.
This film felt lacking but if not for the original I feel that it would have been an alright little horror piece.AFGiant
Ditto with the below comments. Was very hesitant on this one, turned out to be really good!Deus ex-Machina
A very nice surprise; enjoyed it throughoutly!Pedr20
The first legacy sequel maybe...?RoastMutton10
One of the best horror sequels I've seen, deserves more recognitionDeathShrike
Surprisingly good.danisanna
Decent enough sequel.Oneironaut
Actually really good, I was much more interested to see an older Norman Bates. Anthony Perkins was fantastic.Some great shots in the movie, as well.
I really liked it, and I didn't expect to.sureup
Ok sequel.nicolaskrizan
interesting concept and not without merit, but rather heavy-handedly executed – not in the book