Pssst, want to check out Little Shop of Horrors in our new look?
Top comments
Really great movie, easily one of the best comedies I've watched. Steve Martin as the evil Elvis impersonating dentist I think is probably one of his best roles. 13 years 10 months ago -
Hadn't seen Frank Oz's Little Shop of Horrors in at least a hundred years, and I'd forgotten just how impressive the puppetry was. I mean... I can't... I don't even know how it could be achieved. I've heard the stories - 60 technicians at a time, Rick Moranis acting in slow-motion so they could over-crank the camera and make Audrey II more mobile... - it's an incredible achievement. Give or take the man-eating alien plant, this is really Rent meets The Muppet Show, with visual gags right out of the Muppets, and actors who really could be made out of plush. The acting is very theatrical and cartoony, but it works for the film and the world it creates. Plus, great songs, lots of fun cameos, and the blackest of comedy. If you haven't seen it in a while, pop it in. It's still works. 7 years ago
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Jouch checked this movie 15 hours 29 minutes ago
OldSparky checked this movie 1 day 17 hours ago
V012 checked this movie 4 days 11 hours ago
In 3 official lists
This movie ranks #48 in BFI's 100 Film Musicals
BFI's 100 Film Musicals
48 -
This movie ranks #248 in Emma Beare's 501 Must-See Movies
Emma Beare's 501 Must-Se…
248 -
This movie ranks #589 in TSZDT's The 1,000 Greatest Horror Films
TSZDT's The 1,000 Greate…