Order by:
  1. 2
    Schizoaffective disorder's icon

    Schizoaffective disorder

    Ranking #2
  2. 7
    DPD: Dependent Personality's icon

    DPD: Dependent Personality

    Ranking #7
  3. 14
    FG's top 250 of the 70s's icon

    FG's top 250 of the 70s

    Ranking #14
  4. 21
    Final Cut (2012): Movies edited into the film by György Pálfi's icon

    Final Cut (2012): Movies edited into the film by György Pálfi

    Ranking #21
  5. 22
    Films which Replicate Psychosis's icon

    Films which Replicate Psychosis

    Ranking #22
  6. 42
    Bipolar disorder's icon

    Bipolar disorder

    Ranking #42
  7. 48
    TCM November 2024's icon

    TCM November 2024

    Ranking #48
  8. 49
    Movies mentioned as "feminist"'s icon

    Movies mentioned as "feminist"

    Ranking #49
  9. 51
    Anxiety Disorders's icon

    Anxiety Disorders

    Ranking #51
  10. 71
    Taschen's 100 All-Time Favorite Movies's icon

    Taschen's 100 All-Time Favorite Movies

    Ranking #71
  11. 83
    Jennifer Eiss's 500 Essential Cult Movies's icon

    Jennifer Eiss's 500 Essential Cult Movies

    Ranking #83
  12. 84
    FG's top 1000 (first edition)'s icon

    FG's top 1000 (first edition)

    Ranking #84
  13. 110
    ICM Forum Users Favorites From Their Top 50 (2017)'s icon

    ICM Forum Users Favorites From Their Top 50 (2017)

    Ranking #110
  14. 141
    The Fill-In Filmography's icon

    The Fill-In Filmography

    Ranking #141
  15. 193
    A Decade Under the Influence (2003) - titles mentioned's icon

    A Decade Under the Influence (2003) - titles mentioned

    Ranking #193
  16. 207
    Los Angeles Plays Itself's icon

    Los Angeles Plays Itself

    Ranking #207
  17. 243
    500 existential films's icon

    500 existential films

    Ranking #243
  18. 255
    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews's icon

    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews

    Ranking #255
  19. 406
    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult's icon

    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult

    Ranking #406
  20. 416
    The Rough Guide to Cult Movies's icon

    The Rough Guide to Cult Movies

    Ranking #416
  21. 457
    DVD Review's 501 DVDs You Must Own's icon

    DVD Review's 501 DVDs You Must Own

    Ranking #457
  22. 654
    Ladies time to have fun's icon

    Ladies time to have fun

    Ranking #654
  23. 658
    Depressing stuff + Pessimism's icon

    Depressing stuff + Pessimism

    Ranking #658
  24. 1530
    Movies That Made Them's icon

    Movies That Made Them

    Ranking #1530
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.