Pssst, want to check out Fiddler on the Roof in our new look?
- Year
- 1971
- Runtime
- 181 min.
- Director
- Norman Jewison
- Genres
- Drama, Family, Musical
- Rating *
- 8.0
- Votes *
- 28,134
- Checks
- 10,960
- Favs
- 686
- Dislikes
- 47
- Favs/checks
- 6.3% (1:16)
- Favs/dislikes
- 15:1
Top comments
It takes a lot of energy to be a fiddler and hence the Idiom "As fit as a Fiddle". Tevye, the poor Jewish Peasant with five daughters and lovely wife is exactly in the same spot in this film. He is like the "Fiddler on the Roof": he runs a big family, he has to marry off three of his daughters, he is poor and to make matters they are in danger of being thrown out of their own homes. Norman Jewison's incredible musical is my personal all-time favorite of the genre and it just doesn't get any better than this.
Music is such a powerful tool to express one's feelings. This film very beautifully and perfectly makes use of it. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes it's sad, sometimes grand, sometimes it's about dreams... What I loved more is how the film never forgets the reality of life and that's I guess is the most vital element of Fiddler on the Roof. Every emotion and every thought (Especially of the protagonist) was captured perfectly.
A great musical I would very highly recommend for it's satire and it's wise morals. 12 years 5 months ago -
an achievement in both directing and cinematography. The acting and choreography are also something of a marvel. The story is rich in detail and themes that transcend the focus culture. While respected, it seems under appreciated in the history of cinema. 11 years 11 months ago -
The character ‘Tevye’ played by Topol that was incredible and the presentation of his thinking turn this movie a greatest one. 10 years 7 months ago
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mrgeneralcollector checked this movie 1 day 6 hours ago
OldSparky checked this movie 4 days 15 hours ago
In 9 official lists
This movie ranks #12 in IMDb's Musical Top 50
IMDb's Musical Top 50
12 -
This movie ranks #34 in IMDb's 1970s Top 50
IMDb's 1970s Top 50
34 -
This movie ranks #40 in IMDb's Family Top 50
IMDb's Family Top 50
40 -
This movie ranks #55 in Golden Globe Award - Best Motion Picture
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This movie ranks #74 in Academy Award - Best Cinematography
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74 -
This movie ranks #81 in Arts & Faith's Top 100 Films
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This movie ranks #82 in AFI's 100 Years...100 Cheers
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82 -
This movie ranks #280 in Academy Award - Best Picture Nominees
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This movie ranks #1344 in TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films: 1001-2500
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