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Astragalus's avatar


Somehow a little touching and has its a few short moments which make you feel it's going somewhere better but it's actually not. Nothing much special other than acting and that likable fiancee guy's moments. It's also almost totally predictable. However, it's not a completely waste and it's still watchable, especially if you are interested in the genre or older couple divorce stories for some reason, 6/10 imo.
10 years ago
rakesh's avatar


Crap movie for young people & may be good movie for divorced couple {4/10}...
10 years 11 months ago
IreneAdler's avatar


I LOVE this movie! It's a romantic comedy about a divorced couple who start an affair again years after their divorce. I think this film is absolutely hilarious, so many funny scenes... incredible!

Meryl Streep was brilliant (as always), she really made the film even more special for me, I love her. Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin were absolutely great as well - I also liked the actors in the smaller roles.

I've watched this movie more than once and I always enjoy it - beside all the funny scenes I think it also captures very nicely the way you can still get confused and crazy about a person even though you were pretty sure that the relationship belongs to the past.
Really one of my favorite comedies!
11 years 5 months ago
Reira-chan's avatar


loved this movie. amazing, witty, funny and actually about a really nice subject :) Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin are just amazing.
12 years 4 months ago
devilsadvocado's avatar


There are some romantic comedies that I can stomach and even enjoy, this being one of them.
13 years 1 month ago
Cinnamon Eve's avatar

Cinnamon Eve

the only truly good part was the skype scene.
13 years 1 month ago
Rohit's avatar


Concentration camp kind of torturous stuff
13 years 2 months ago
EylemBasakEkinci's avatar


Meryl Streep continues the foodie phase of her career in "It's Complicated," a cloying, self-satisfied, occasionally funny farce about an extramarital affair between formerly married fiftysomethings. Writer-director Nancy Meyers' latest survey of the travails of the rich and pampered boasts a clever central premise and an enjoyably self-effacing comic turn by Alec Baldwin. But Streep, playing the best cook to hit Santa Barbara since Julia Child died there, laughs a lot more than the audience will, which is not a good thing. Universal should ring up solid holiday biz from a glossy confection that will find its most responsive audience among women of a certain age on girls' nights out.
13 years 9 months ago
Nilofarish's avatar


what's up with the totally wrong poster?
14 years 10 months ago
Deus's avatar


omg... wrong poster
14 years 10 months ago
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