Order by:
  1. 4
    A.V. Club's The Best Movies of the 2010s's icon

    A.V. Club's The Best Movies of the 2010s

    Ranking #4
  2. 9
    BBC's The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films's icon

    BBC's The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films

    Ranking #9
  3. 17
    TSPDT's 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films's icon

    TSPDT's 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films

    Ranking #17
  4. 18
    IMDb's 2010s Top 50's icon

    IMDb's 2010s Top 50

    Ranking #18
  5. 33
    BIFF's Asian Cinema 100's icon

    BIFF's Asian Cinema 100

    Ranking #33
  6. 64
    Academy Award - Best International Feature Film's icon

    Academy Award - Best International Feature Film

    Ranking #64
  7. 68
    FOK!'s Film Top 250's icon

    FOK!'s Film Top 250

    Ranking #68
  8. 73
    Berlin International Film Festival - Golden Bear's icon

    Berlin International Film Festival - Golden Bear

    Ranking #73
  9. 80
    iCheckMovies's Most Favorited's icon

    iCheckMovies's Most Favorited

    Ranking #80
  10. 115
    IMDb's Top 250's icon

    IMDb's Top 250

    Ranking #115
  11. 200
    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time's icon

    Sight & Sound's The Greatest Films of All Time

    Ranking #200
  12. 248
    Reddit Top 250's icon

    Reddit Top 250

    Ranking #248
  13. 283
    Academy Award - Best International Feature Film Nominees's icon

    Academy Award - Best International Feature Film Nominees

    Ranking #283
  14. 317
    TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films's icon

    TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films

    Ranking #317
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.