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pegs404's avatar


The weakest of the three Ginger Snaps movies, as far as I'm concerned. The film's treatment of historical issues (racism, misogyny) is clumsy at best, as are its massively stereotypical portrayals of Indigenous characters. It's completely missing the spark of humour from the first, or the dark twists and turns of the second.
That said, Nathaniel Arcand's performance is commendable. It's also a much more bearable movie if you view it as fantasy rather than "historical fiction".
4 years 1 month ago
DJPowWow's avatar


My personal favorite of the three "Ginger Snaps" movies, mostly because of the setting, also because of the prominent Native American characters (okay, I admit, I'm biased). I especially liked how the werewolves fit into the "Wendigo" myths, and the idea that lycanthropy is something introduced to the New World by the Europeans (equating werewolves to infectious diseases like small-pox?)
11 years 10 months ago
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