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Filmbuff77's avatar


Hey kids, it’s like a late 90’s video game.

The CGI looks awful, and the script is terrible.
6 months 1 week ago
Siskoid's avatar


I don't think Robert Zemeckis's Polar Express is great to look at, but I wonder who his similarly animated Beowulf is FOR. It's too ugly and violent for the kids who might be drawn to animation whatever the quality, and most adults will resent walking the uncanny valley in which this takes place, so... video gamers who really really really enjoy cut scenes? It's really hard to get over the CG puppets, only vaguely resembling the voice actors, with their dead eyes. It certainly doesn't help that Beowulf isn't a guy you really root for, as he's just as much a monster as Grendel and his mom. But let's say we accept the look of the thing, is it a good story? Well, I certainly appreciate how close script writers Neil Gaiman and Roger Avery are threading to the myth, making more Viking Saga than Hollywood, and there are several exciting action set pieces. But with an effects spectacular, you really need a bit of that Hollywood manipulation, you know? As is, the characters feel archetypal, but not human. And lacking a truly human performance robs them of what spark the actors could have given them.
4 years 2 months ago
Crezzy's avatar


13 years 10 months ago
Dr. McNinja's avatar

Dr. McNinja

Here's to hoping an epic live-action Beowulf is made. Score was pretty good but they'll need something on par with the original Conan The Barbarian.
12 years 1 month ago
samfenn's avatar


Animation was pretty annoying, felt like I was watching Shrek. Ray Winstone was poor. Mildly interesting at points, though.
12 years 11 months ago
nick8493's avatar


Sure, the acting's pretty poor but I love the direction they took the plot and the semi-meta references to the original poem and its fame.
13 years 5 months ago
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