Order by:


  1. 2
    Female frontal nudity part 2's icon

    Female frontal nudity part 2

    Ranking #2
  2. 6
    Dolph Lundgren filmography's icon

    Dolph Lundgren filmography

    Ranking #6
  3. 17
    BMFcast episode movie list's icon

    BMFcast episode movie list

    Ranking #17
  4. 17
    Bad Movie Fiends's icon

    Bad Movie Fiends

    Ranking #17
  5. 21
    Rotten Movies We Love: The Book's icon

    Rotten Movies We Love: The Book

    Ranking #21
  6. 23
    We Hate Movies's icon

    We Hate Movies

    Ranking #23
  7. 28
    Scream Factory's icon

    Scream Factory

    Ranking #28
  8. 28
    Scream Factory's icon

    Scream Factory

    Ranking #28
  9. 37
    Christmas Horror's icon

    Christmas Horror

    Ranking #37
  10. 38
    Box Office Poison's icon

    Box Office Poison

    Ranking #38
  11. 47
    Tech-Noir: The Fusion of Science Fiction and Film Noir's icon

    Tech-Noir: The Fusion of Science Fiction and Film Noir

    Ranking #47
  12. 78
    100 Greatest One-Liners: Before The Kill's icon

    100 Greatest One-Liners: Before The Kill

    Ranking #78
  13. 95
    Scream Factory's icon

    Scream Factory

    Ranking #95
  14. 97
    VHS Collector: Media Home Entertainment's icon

    VHS Collector: Media Home Entertainment

    Ranking #97
  15. 118
    Titles featured in DVD Delirium Volume 3's icon

    Titles featured in DVD Delirium Volume 3

    Ranking #118
  16. 189
    Addiction Issues's icon

    Addiction Issues

    Ranking #189
  17. 504
    Movies that fail the Bechdel Test's icon

    Movies that fail the Bechdel Test

    Ranking #504
  18. 508
    Sci Fi on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,250 Science Fiction and Fantasy Films on Video (1997)'s icon

    Sci Fi on Tape - A Comprehensive Guide to Over 1,250 Science Fiction and Fantasy Films on Video (1997)

    Ranking #508
  19. 829
    List of Science Fiction Films's icon

    List of Science Fiction Films

    Ranking #829
  20. 2267
    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)'s icon

    Film Fanatic Book Two (F-L)

    Ranking #2267
  21. 4709
    Owned Not Seen's icon

    Owned Not Seen

    Ranking #4709
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