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MrE2Me's avatar


Uploaded in HD for you fine folks here:

(please PM me if the links stop working)
3 months 1 week ago
aire's avatar


3 years 8 months ago
Matt Addis's avatar

Matt Addis

Gorgeous cinematography
3 years 8 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


An early Asian-American-centric film, The Dragon Painter stars Sessue Hayakawa (The Bridge on the River Kwai) as a young, mad artist pining for his bride from another life, which motivates his work. If he later meets his princess and falls in love, what will that mean for his work? It's a Japanese folk tale brought to life, and yes, the tortured artist is a hoary old trope, but I think this is far more about how the artist has trouble wrangling his passion. It's all or nothing. And in love, then it's all about love, screw art. Silent cinema seems perfect for telling these kinds of stories. The flicker of the screen and color filters give them a kind of dreamy quality. The title cards take on a storybook feeling. And like folk tales, they are short, pithy, and not all that concerned with character (in the way that dialog might reveal it). The Dragon Painter is a simple tale, well told. It's only grievous mistake was to cast a Caucasian actor in the role of the patriarch, though at least they didn't push for actual racist make-up.
4 years 9 months ago
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