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Houdini's avatar


I watched Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader for the first time and back to back. Prince Caspian was what I expected, long and not very heavy on story, but I liked Dawn Treader because it didn’t seem like it was just pumped out there to make money, it had some heart.
12 years 8 months ago
badblokebob's avatar


On the other hand, I thought it was all good fun until the God-awful final scenes about Aslan's Country or whatever. Ugh.
11 years 7 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the 2000s are going to be known for their impossibly long movie titles, aren't they?) is the third and probably final Narnia adaptations to make it to the big screen, and its structure is sadly one that turned me off fantasy fiction when I got out of high school, i.e. incidents strung along a narrative like connected short stories, glorified random encounters as you head towards an eventual plot-related finale. That's the book, and the film makers do their best to tighten it up, but to no avail. The first film had the perfect mix of magical wonder and epic battle scenes. The second replaced wonder with battle scenes almost exclusively. The third goes for magical wonder, but very little fighting. So magic/CG stuff happens for an hour and a half, whatever. But then the last half hour arrives, with its cool sea monster, great big battle, redemption for the new cast member Eustace, and a touching farewell to some of the characters and all is forgiven. They say it's the journey, not the destination. In Narnia 3's case, it's the opposite.
9 years 7 months ago
EylemBasakEkinci's avatar


Valiantly attempting to relaunch Walden Media’s “Chronicles of Narnia,” Fox has hitched itself to one leaky vessel with “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” Taking a faith-based sledgehammer to C.S. Lewis’ enchanting source novel, this f/x-heavy third adaptation of the Christian-themed fantasy series feels routine and risk-averse in every respect, as if investment anxiety had fatally hobbled its sense of wonder. Public goodwill toward the “Narnia” name, 3D ticket premiums and a well-timed December release could spell friendly B.O. winds initially, but this creatively downsized entry doesn’t feel like a franchise high-water mark commercially or artistically.
13 years 9 months ago
andype's avatar


There are movies for small children that I like, and there are some I don't. The Chronicles of Narnia is the second case. I don't think the children movies have to be boring and bad acted.
1 year 3 months ago
Nightwalker's avatar


Exit Susan and Peter, enter Eustace. Two of the main protagonists of the previous two movies are replaced by a new one. Just like in the books. But at what price? Will Poulter may have a very characteristic face (which is a good thing), but is one of the worst child actors I've ever seen. On top of that Ben Barnes again plays Prince Caspian (who is almost unrecognizable compared to the previous film) but with no Spanish accent whatsoever. The story feels more like a Pirates of the Caribbean quest this time. With no succes, even if the green and blue screens aren't as ugly as in Prince Caspian. These kind of kiddie movies are too predictable, moralistic (the Christian symbolism in this one isn't even remotely subtle anymore) and boring to entertain almost anyone. Or that's what I should hope. Reality proves me wrong. Unfortunately. Maybe that's why hideous films like Eragon, In the Name of the King and The Sorcerer's Apprentice find an audiance. I can't speak for The Water Horse, The Seeker, The Spiderwick Chronicles and Inkeart (I haven't seen them), but something tells me it'll be more of the same (just like Seventh Son, which will be released next year). Maybe I should really reconsider watching the Percy Jackson movies, which I was planning to do next year...
10 years 1 month ago
dpanter's avatar


Boring and tedious, you could even argue that it's stupid.
Makes you wonder if the Narnia movies have lost their charm for good?
12 years 4 months ago
Musicaltheatreislife's avatar


pretty good liked it better than the second one, but nothing can beat the orignal. The cousin kid was freaking great!! he deff made the movie
13 years 5 months ago
PrincessConsuela's avatar


Slow, boring and just no fun at all. Well maybe Eugene, he was pretty great! Especially as a you know what. Without him I don't think I would have gotten through this movie.
10 years 11 months ago
Rachel0523's avatar


What I love the most about this movie is the metaphor beyond it. C S Lewis managed to create a brilliant image of God through Aslan. The part when the lion tells Lucy: "In your world, I have another name. You just have to find me", it gave me shivers but also made me smile.
No one ever could have said it better.
12 years 1 month ago
JosteinAsk's avatar


f¤%&ing YAWN!

but keep an eye out for talented Poulter, he alone could make The Silver Chair, if ever made, better than this awful mess
13 years 7 months ago
justanotherfrog's avatar


ok, I admit here that I barely remember the book (I read it when I was a kid), but I thought the movie was enjoyable-- not as good as the first two, and it could have been much better, but I'm not sure it deserves the hate it's getting. 6/10
13 years 9 months ago
julex's avatar


Narnia gets more and more boring (The movies, not the books)
13 years 11 months ago
Litso's avatar


Fun fact for future reference: as of this writing this mind-numbingy boring movie is actually in the 2010's top list (#50).
14 years ago
Mudskipper's avatar


i fell asleep when i watched this at the cinema
14 years ago

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