Pssst, want to check out The Elephant Man in our new look?
- Year
- 1980
- Runtime
- 124 min.
- Director
- David Lynch
- Genres
- Drama, Biography
- Rating *
- 8.2
- Votes *
- 128,733
- Checks
- 31,303
- Favs
- 2,384
- Dislikes
- 102
- Favs/checks
- 7.6% (1:13)
- Favs/dislikes
- 23:1
Top comments
Camille Deadpan
Poem used by Joseph Merrick to end his letters, adapted from "False Greatness" by Isaac Watts:
'Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man. 10 years 7 months ago -
One of the most emotionally heaviest movies I have ever seen, quite an experience. 12 years 7 months ago -
This movie has the distinction of being the only movie to ever make tears run down my face, and I found myself making choking animal noises. Wasn't prepared for that... A masterpiece. 10 years ago
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