Pssst, want to check out The Little Foxes in our new look?
- Year
- 1941
- Runtime
- 116 min.
- Director
- William Wyler
- Genres
- Drama, Romance
- Rating *
- 8.2
- Votes *
- 7,278
- Checks
- 1,750
- Favs
- 135
- Dislikes
- 17
- Favs/checks
- 7.7% (1:13)
- Favs/dislikes
- 8:1
Top comments
Interesting how the scheming Ben could foretell the future when he says to Regina. "We'll own this country one of these days and they won't try to stop us." His prediction came true. 8 years 6 months ago -
Login to see which of your friends have seen this movie!In 7 official lists
This movie ranks #42 in IMDb's 1940s Top 50
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This movie ranks #99 in iCheckMovies's 1940s Top 100
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