Order by:
  1. 257
    Vulture's Every Movie of the 2010s, Ranked's icon

    Vulture's Every Movie of the 2010s, Ranked

    Ranking #257
  2. 11
    Top 150 LGBT Films's icon

    Top 150 LGBT Films

    Ranking #11
  3. 43
    Time Out's The 101 Most Romantic Films's icon

    Time Out's The 101 Most Romantic Films

    Ranking #43
  4. 24
    The New York Times - Critic's Picks: Movies of 2011's icon

    The New York Times - Critic's Picks: Movies of 2011

    Ranking #24
  5. 86
    The Criterion Channel's Queersighted Series's icon

    The Criterion Channel's Queersighted Series

    Ranking #86
  6. 81
    Kyle Turner's The Queer Film Guide's icon

    Kyle Turner's The Queer Film Guide

    Ranking #81
  7. 17
    KNF Film of the Year 2012's icon

    KNF Film of the Year 2012

    Ranking #17
  8. 68
    ICS's Best Films of the Decade (2010s)'s icon

    ICS's Best Films of the Decade (2010s)

    Ranking #68
  9. 50
    Hollywood Reporter Critics Pick the 50 Best Films of the 21st Century (So Far)'s icon

    Hollywood Reporter Critics Pick the 50 Best Films of the 21st Century (So Far)

    Ranking #50
  10. 2
    BFI Flare's The Best LGBTQ+ Films of All Time's icon

    BFI Flare's The Best LGBTQ+ Films of All Time

    Ranking #2
  11. 233
    BBC Culture's 'The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films: Who Voted?' (All films)'s icon

    BBC Culture's 'The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films: Who Voted?' (All films)

    Ranking #233
  12. 299
    Amy Taubin's Annual Top Ten Lists's icon

    Amy Taubin's Annual Top Ten Lists

    Ranking #299
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