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Siskoid's avatar


Watched A League of Their Own in honor of Penny Marshall (given the state of an industry only now giving women directorship of big movies, it's a testament to her ability that they let her do a sports movie in the 90s, female-led or not) and it's as good as you remember. A big, charismatic cast ensures we recognize and distinguish between most of the Rockford Peaches roster - that's an achievement just there - with dependable Tom Hanks never usurping Geena Davis' centrality. Unusually, this isn't an underdog story even if the ladies have to suffer the indignities of the Patriarchy, because they're highly competent athletes. We're really following champions we want to see win, made sympathetic by their personal trials, and the sports story doesn't really go where these kinds of scripts usually do (give or take). So what drives the drama is a story of sisterly jealousy, what it means to be the younger sibling of a star and not being able to shine yourself, and vice-versa, casting a shadow over your younger sibling. Only one of these characters handles it well, avoiding a trite afterschool special resolution. The epilogue feels a bit long, but it's earned, and it's hard not to feel the ol' lump in the throats at various points through the movie.
5 years 3 months ago
ClassicLady's avatar


Loved it!
10 years 11 months ago
asiangotrice's avatar


Fantastic cast and wonderful script. I loved every minute of it!
12 years 6 months ago
jtstoner1994's avatar


This is a fantastic movie. This movie is defiantly a drama with comical points. All around a wholesome film. Madonna is extremely attractive!
8 years 2 months ago
poppunknerd182's avatar


@Nuked, this is definitely more of a drama than a comedy. Also, this is the one movie where Madonna actually acted well.
9 years 2 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


2 genheron
5 years 7 months ago
Nuked's avatar


Finally there was a chance for someone, a team of filmmakers, to make a movie about women's sports where there is actually a point to it. Normally there is no point to "gender segregation" in sports, but obviously during WWII when men were away, there was a genuine point in portraying female baseball players in a positive way.
And then they make it into a comedy with Madonna in one of the major roles. Fucking hell..
10 years 8 months ago
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