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  1. ChrisReynolds's avatar


    It has the same premise as the first one, so if you've seen that you'll know if you're interested or not. For those new to the franchise, it's a showcase of short films from up-and-coming directors, and you get the upside of seeing a variety of work in different styles but the downside of a lack of overall control, where everybody's work has to be included no matter the quality, and too many directors just going for gross-out and shock value. I think I'd rate it about the same as the previous one: it has less really awful shorts but also a few less really good ones.

    My rankings from best to worst:
    A 7/10, ZDXMQ 6/10, HUKBVW 5/10, ROFCI 4/10, JTYELNG 3/10, SP 2/10.

    About half of those are at least decent, but it does mean that the other half of the film is bad, and it's a much worse ratio than you'd get in a curated short film showcase. I should give a special mention to "A is for Amateur": it's a model for what these shorts can be, playing with expectations by using its letter of the alphabet to misdirect as to what the word is going to be, it's stylish, it's funny, it subverts expectations, and it's actually themed around death. Too many of the other shorts fulfil too few or none of these criteria.
    9 years 11 months ago
  2. Oneironaut's avatar


    There are about 5 or so good ones, the rest are trash. 9 years 5 months ago
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