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carlomarx's avatar


How do you like your ribs?
9 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Don't ask me to explain the villain's actions, but Action Jackson is a lot of fun and deserves its cult status. I mean, when you think of Carl Weathers, you immediately want to call him "Action Jackson", and I'm sure if the studios hadn't gotten into a game of "pass the rights", it would have spawned one or more sequels. Jackson is a super smart cop who gets into trouble easily, beefy but not invincible (halfway between Arnold and Bruce Willis, and indeed, he fights a lot of the crew from Die Hard here), funny and a ladies' man, but righteous too. But what I most appreciate about the movie is that even the smallest parts have something going for them, some little quirk or moment to make them memorable before they're horribly murdered or shake their fists at Jackson as he rides off. This flick in fact starts on a blazingly cool action-murder and keeps providing cool sequences we haven't really seen in other movies - which to me, is the standard all action flicks should aspire to. Small but crucial role for pre-stardom Sharon Stone, Craig T. Nelson doing martial arts, Biff Tannen telling jokes, Bill Duke as the police chief, and gratuitous nudity, everything you need to keep you entertained (ok, maybe not that last one).
9 months ago
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