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107 min.
Phil Morrison
Drama, Comedy
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3.2% (1:32)
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  1. TomReagan's avatar


    I'm a huge Christmas movie buff and I don't normally do dark Christmas movies (like Bad Santa), so I was prepared to hate this movie, especially after seeing the low scores on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm a huge fan of both Pauls, so I decided to see for myself. I didn't hate it, and in fact, I actually enjoyed it - although I'm not sure WHY. heheh. Paul Giamatti's character is a no-good thief, but that's what was interesting too me - he can't change and doesn't REALLY try to, even though he keeps saying he has (to his estranged wife), but he truly loves his daughter, so he's not ALL bad. In the end, the screenplay isn't very good, the joyful Christmas soundtrack often doesn't fit the dreary scenes, but the three main actors, Paul, Paul and Sally Hawkins are all very good. Paul Rudd still struggles in the drama department, but this MIGHT be the best I've seen him with it. Recommended for fans of the actors and/or dark Christmas movies. 2 years 5 months ago
  2. Siskoid's avatar


    In All Is Bright, Paul Giamatti plays an ex-con who goes New York with romantic interloper Paul Rudd to sell Christmas trees from Quebec in the hopes of buying a gift for his daughter who's been told he's dead. So it's a sad Christmas movie, and kind of relentlessly so. The one light in the film is the always perfect Sally Hawkins as a Russian housekeeper who takes an interest in our sad sack. I wish I could say the idea of making these guys from Quebec pay off more, but there are scarcely any real French speakers in the movie, and not just because it mostly takes place in New York City, but because a number of speaking parts are faking it. At least the two leads are meant to be Anglophones. Still, I like the film's frank naturalism and it pulls off a minor "Christmas miracle" even if there are no magic resolutions, which is life. The holiday's tradition is that things should be brighter, but sometimes, that title is just ironic, what can I say. 4 years 4 months ago
  3. maborosi's avatar


    I was trying to find this for so long! Isn't the film correct title is "All Is Bright"? 10 years 5 months ago
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