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139 min.
Sean Baker
Drama, Romance, Comedy
Rating *
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15.0% (1:7)
* View IMDb information

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  1. Pete Concrete's avatar

    Pete Concrete

    Tired of waiting around for the Safdie brothers to bring you another masterstroke like UNCUT GEMS? Boy howdy, have I got the fix for you! It's raw and real, it's fast and fun.

    Every scene in ANORA, from an early tonal shift onward, is totally captivating. It's all there: The trashy, but relatable people. The anxiety. The vulgar shouting matches. The hectic, wild and farcical scenes, that are still very much grounded in reality and never disorienting. The sadness at the core of it all.

    But Sean Baker has even less interest in sentimentality than he did in THE FLORIDA PROJECT. He invites us to enjoy and laugh, like he has before in his films. And because ANORA is a fun and exciting film, try to see it with an audience to get the best communal experience.
    1 month 3 weeks ago
  2. Stoag's avatar


    first Sean Baker movie for me. Just finished watching it, bout to go watch all the rest. Good movie overall. 1 month 1 week ago
  3. mcmakattack's avatar


    A phenomenal character study, Anora and Ani are both strong and hopeful. All the characters in this are played so well and so real, Sean Baker is a master at writing well-developed people to bounce off each other in a film like this. He also does a wonderful job casting the roles, shoutout to all the characters who work in the candy shop, especially the old man.

    Anora has two of the most emotionally impactful scenes that I have seen in a long time, on both ends of the spectrum from joy to sadness. When the two leads get married and run down Fremont St in ecstasy, I was feeling that happiness and hope as well, even knowing the inevitable. And the heart-breaking ending...
    6 days 13 hours ago
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