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Siskoid's avatar


Ripped from the headlines, 1937's Black Legion has a pre-cool Humphrey Bogart join a secret society of hooded clansmen who go after immigrants (first and second generation, it doesn't matter to them) to make America great again. You know the type unfortunately. Bogart gives a strong performance as a guy who's down on his luck, but really made his own, and who believably lets the rhetoric work on him. He'll come to regret his choices and risk falling down the hole he dug for himself. It's a well-told tale, albeit a simple one, with little insight for the modern viewer. However, Black Legion has one small plot point that I find very valuable, and it's the idea that for the upper echelon of the hate mongers, it's all a big con to sell uniforms, books and weapons. Not saying they don't believe the rhetoric, but for them, it's an opportunity for profit, made on the backs of the poor slobs they indoctrinate. An important lesson to anyone who would believe in the sincerity of their particular cult's message. And definitely a film that speaks to this moment in world history.
3 years 10 months ago
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