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  1. 10
    Scott Macdonald's Avant-Garde Film's icon

    Scott Macdonald's Avant-Garde Film

    Ranking #10
  2. 24
    J. Hoberman and Jonathan Rosenbaum's Midnight Movies's icon

    J. Hoberman and Jonathan Rosenbaum's Midnight Movies

    Ranking #24
  3. 164
    Parker Tyler's Underground Film: a critical history's icon

    Parker Tyler's Underground Film: a critical history

    Ranking #164
  4. 331
    Adams P. Sitney's Film Culture Reader's icon

    Adams P. Sitney's Film Culture Reader

    Ranking #331
  5. 333
    San Francisco State University's Recomended Films (M.A. Cinema Studies)'s icon

    San Francisco State University's Recomended Films (M.A. Cinema Studies)

    Ranking #333
  6. 502
    Cinecouch's Top 1000 Short Films's icon

    Cinecouch's Top 1000 Short Films

    Ranking #502
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