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Dark Shadows (2012)'s comments - page 2
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Comments 16 - 30 of 46
i dont know if i cant stand tim burton and the multiples sames characters by johnny depp or is that this is a horrible movie, many wasted scenes and pure fill, only watch it if you love moretz.sparsparf
I was bored during.. well, almost every part of this film. There were no surprises at any point and the disgustingly moving and talking characters (talking about some women here) and odd lighting/colour choices (among with other things I'm not very fond of) distracted me from the main plot - which wasn't very convincing itself. But sure, if it hadn't been so much out of my taste I could have enjoyed it. It wasn't a bad movie, it just wasn't a movie I enjoy watching.Camille Deadpan
Eva Green is one mean female dog and she moves her head rather strangely. :o But she has really nice hair and make up.I must say although I don't like what Burton makes that this movie is not bad. Actually along with his Batman movies, Ed Wood and Sleepy Hollow I find it to be quite okay.
I should say the movie is just right. The plot has its own dark creepy element. The casting is great, Depp surely did it again. The setting and costumes is remarkable.Starlight-
awwwful, but Eva is glorious in here. Getting real sick of Depp and Burton's countless lukewarm collaborations.blondy2323
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton can do no harm - loved it! :)kaiizel
Tim Burton is definitely losing his touch.LordKinbote
Really did not enjoy it. It seems like such a stupid pun to make, but lifeless is the best word I can come up with to describe it.L MuMu
Nice movie.IreneAdler
Clearly a dislike. Hate that fact, because the trailer got me interested in the movie and I normally love Johnny Depp - but it was nothing but tedious and really not as funny as I had expected. I vaguely remember some nice shots and ideas, but all in all I did not like it.Kinski
Aaah why are all here so negative? I think it was a very fun movie and Tim Burton did a great job.Sindifully
This movie is meh. Watched a couple get up and leave. I wouldn't say it was that bad, but it's still not good either. I was disappointed as well.Mudskipper
i liked the music they used in the moviehel yea superfly, trex music, and other songs
Eva rightfully outshined Johnny Depp.Saraxx
Wonderfully weird - I loved it!And Eva Green is in it :)
Showing items 16 – 30 of 46