Order by:
  1. 974
    1000 Favourite Movies's icon

    1000 Favourite Movies

    Ranking #974
  2. 4
    10th Academy Awards (1938)'s icon

    10th Academy Awards (1938)

    Ranking #4
  3. 141
    1930s Official's icon

    1930s Official

    Ranking #141
  4. 112
    2021's icon


    Ranking #112
  5. 1
    30's icon


    Ranking #1
  6. 294
    A Complete List of Academy Award Nominees - 1927-2020's icon

    A Complete List of Academy Award Nominees - 1927-2020

    Ranking #294
  7. 497
    Academy Awards for Acting Nominees's icon

    Academy Awards for Acting Nominees

    Ranking #497
  8. 15
    All Films Nominated for Academy Awards for both Cinematography and Art Direction/Production Design's icon

    All Films Nominated for Academy Awards for both Cinematography and Art Direction/Production Design

    Ranking #15
  9. 22
    American Gangster Cinema's icon

    American Gangster Cinema

    Ranking #22
  10. 21
    Awards Game Ranked Nominations 1937's icon

    Awards Game Ranked Nominations 1937

    Ranking #21
  11. 1083
    Best Acting Nominees - Academy Awards's icon

    Best Acting Nominees - Academy Awards

    Ranking #1083
  12. 25
    Claire Trevor Filmography's icon

    Claire Trevor Filmography

    Ranking #25
  13. 33
    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Gangster Movies's icon

    Digital Dream Doors 100 Greatest Gangster Movies

    Ranking #33
  14. 33
    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Gangster Movies's icon

    DigitalDreamDoor 100 Greatest Gangster Movies

    Ranking #33
  15. 223
    Encyclopédie du Film Noir Vol I's icon

    Encyclopédie du Film Noir Vol I

    Ranking #223
  16. 167
    Every Film Nominated for a Major Oscar's icon

    Every Film Nominated for a Major Oscar

    Ranking #167
  17. 1962
    Every film that I have seen's icon

    Every film that I have seen

    Ranking #1962
  18. 103
    Favourite Films of the 1930s's icon

    Favourite Films of the 1930s

    Ranking #103
  19. 72
    Films in America 1929- 1969: A Panoramic View of Four Decades of Sound's icon

    Films in America 1929- 1969: A Panoramic View of Four Decades of Sound

    Ranking #72
  20. 2034
    Films on at least 03 official lists's icon

    Films on at least 03 official lists

    Ranking #2034
  21. 2035
    Films on at least 04 official lists's icon

    Films on at least 04 official lists

    Ranking #2035
  22. 2035
    Films on at least 05 official lists's icon

    Films on at least 05 official lists

    Ranking #2035
  23. 2159
    Films on at least 3 official lists's icon

    Films on at least 3 official lists

    Ranking #2159
  24. 90
    Films to watch from the 1930s's icon

    Films to watch from the 1930s

    Ranking #90
  25. 1060
    Films101's Top 1000's icon

    Films101's Top 1000

    Ranking #1060
  26. 37
    Filmsite.org Greatest Films by Year's icon

    Filmsite.org Greatest Films by Year

    Ranking #37
  27. 66
    Hidden Crime Gems's icon

    Hidden Crime Gems

    Ranking #66
  28. 47
    Huis clos - behind locked doors (or almost)'s icon

    Huis clos - behind locked doors (or almost)

    Ranking #47
  29. 734
    iCheckMovies - Less Dislike's icon

    iCheckMovies - Less Dislike

    Ranking #734
  30. 235
    ICM forum's favourite film noir's icon

    ICM forum's favourite film noir

    Ranking #235
  31. 13
    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies from 1937's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies from 1937

    Ranking #13
  32. 167
    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 1930s (3rd edition) - Le Schpountz Nominations's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Movies of the 1930s (3rd edition) - Le Schpountz Nominations

    Ranking #167
  33. 44
    Joel McCrea Filmography's icon

    Joel McCrea Filmography

    Ranking #44
  34. 66
    kc 1930s's icon

    kc 1930s

    Ranking #66
  35. 71
    Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide (3rd Edition, 2015) - All Film Series's icon

    Leonard Maltin's Classic Movie Guide (3rd Edition, 2015) - All Film Series

    Ranking #71
  36. 258
    Mon histoire du Cinéma de 1888 à 2005, films vus et à voir's icon

    Mon histoire du Cinéma de 1888 à 2005, films vus et à voir

    Ranking #258
  37. 810
    MovieManMark's 1,000 All-Time Favorite Films's icon

    MovieManMark's 1,000 All-Time Favorite Films

    Ranking #810
  38. 147
    Movies KT Should See's icon

    Movies KT Should See

    Ranking #147
  39. 204
    New York Times Top 1,000 Movies's icon

    New York Times Top 1,000 Movies

    Ranking #204
  40. 235
    noir nominations's icon

    noir nominations

    Ranking #235
  41. 24
    Olympic Theatre Films's icon

    Olympic Theatre Films

    Ranking #24
  42. 3656
    Owned Not Seen's icon

    Owned Not Seen

    Ranking #3656
  43. 3971
    public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part i)'s icon

    public list - imdb top 10,000 adjusted to my specifications (part i)

    Ranking #3971
  44. 142
    public list - taschen movies of the 1890s to the 2010s's icon

    public list - taschen movies of the 1890s to the 2010s

    Ranking #142
  45. 287
    public list - top 1.640 favorite movies by le schpountz's icon

    public list - top 1.640 favorite movies by le schpountz

    Ranking #287
  46. 1242
    Rated on IMDb's icon

    Rated on IMDb

    Ranking #1242
  47. 23
    Sylvia Sidney Filmography's icon

    Sylvia Sidney Filmography

    Ranking #23
  48. 142
    Taschen's movies of the 1890s - 2000s's icon

    Taschen's movies of the 1890s - 2000s

    Ranking #142
  49. 211
    The best 1,000 movies ever made's icon

    The best 1,000 movies ever made

    Ranking #211
  50. 843
    The Best Films According to Andrew Sarris's The American Cinema's icon

    The Best Films According to Andrew Sarris's The American Cinema

    Ranking #843
  51. 42
    The World Viewed (Enlarged Edition) - Stanley Cavell - 1979's icon

    The World Viewed (Enlarged Edition) - Stanley Cavell - 1979

    Ranking #42
  52. 33
    Those fabulous movie years: the 30s's icon

    Those fabulous movie years: the 30s

    Ranking #33
  53. 1384
    Unwatched Movies on 2+ Lists's icon

    Unwatched Movies on 2+ Lists

    Ranking #1384
  54. 717
    Watchlist X's icon

    Watchlist X

    Ranking #717
  55. 10
    Wyler rankings's icon

    Wyler rankings

    Ranking #10
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.