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58 min.
Alex Burunova
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2.5% (1:40)
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  1. TheNorthernNerd's avatar


    What an absolute waste. I have to say it is the worst documentary I've ever seen.

    - Pointless and irritating framing
    - No substance
    - Aims to be an intro, but assumes prior knowledge of the shows mentioned
    - Disjointed and just a collection of Netflix SoMe promos
    - CONSTANTLY repeats itself, both in topic and shots/lines of dialogue

    The interviews are with cool people, but it is all so shallow and no one is properly introduced with context to themselves or why it's relevant to the documentary.

    It also feels wholly offputting for the director to be constantly talking about how she's got no background in the subject matter. Top that off with the conclusion that it's made "by misfits, for misfits" with absolutely no self awareness.
    4 years 8 months ago
  2. IgnacioM's avatar


    I agree with the previous comments.
    A extra point: the most irritating of this documentary, is the unnecessary role of the host. It looks like a journal of life.
    It is unfortunate how, due to lack of knowledge of the subject, the work is totally waste of time. From the questions to how it relates to Japanese citizens. A tremendous lack of respect for those citizens. Sad.
    3 years 11 months ago
  3. JoaoBastos's avatar


    Absolutely terrible. Shallower than an essay from a middle-schooler who knew nothing about anime and decided to make a film on it after reading a couple of wikipedia articles.

    If you come into this documentary as an anime fan, you'll be quite disappointed. If you've never seen an anime before, you'll probably learn nothing.

    At times, you feel like the people getting interviewed are actually interesting, but in the end, it's the filmmaker who's driving the show (and making all the wrong questions) so every interaction ends up feeling superficial. A real bummer considering the profile of some of the people they had access to.

    Editing is all over the place, even more so than this review.

    Adding to the fact that they restricted themselves to anime's available on Netflix / produced by Netflix, this whole documentary feels like a hour-long masturbation by Netflix.

    If the whole point was to popularize their anime programmes to a western audience, it is my opinion that Netflix failed. Hard.
    4 years 8 months ago
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