Order by:
  1. 49
    BDSM: all lists in one's icon

    BDSM: all lists in one

    Ranking #49
  2. 34
    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult's icon

    Cult: The Ultimate Cult Movie List + other movies described as cult

    Ranking #34
  3. 15
    Entertainment Weekly’s Top 50 Cult Movies's icon

    Entertainment Weekly’s Top 50 Cult Movies

    Ranking #15
  4. 252
    Jennifer Eiss's 500 Essential Cult Movies's icon

    Jennifer Eiss's 500 Essential Cult Movies

    Ranking #252
  5. 31
    Michael Vaughn's The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema's icon

    Michael Vaughn's The Ultimate Guide to Strange Cinema

    Ranking #31
  6. 292
    Movies mentioned as "feminist"'s icon

    Movies mentioned as "feminist"

    Ranking #292
  7. 77
    Re/Search's Incredibly Strange Films's icon

    Re/Search's Incredibly Strange Films

    Ranking #77
  8. 269
    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.'s icon

    Sex and Eroticism in Film. A chronological list.

    Ranking #269
  9. 301
    Sleazoid Express: A Mind Twisting Tour Through the Grindhouse Cinema of Times Square's icon

    Sleazoid Express: A Mind Twisting Tour Through the Grindhouse Cinema of Times Square

    Ranking #301
  10. 110
    The Rough Guide to Cult Movies's icon

    The Rough Guide to Cult Movies

    Ranking #110
  11. 1115
    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews's icon

    The Rough Guide to Film: An A-Z of Directors and Their Movies - All Reviews

    Ranking #1115
  12. 448
    VideoHound's Cult Flicks & Trash Pics's icon

    VideoHound's Cult Flicks & Trash Pics

    Ranking #448
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.