Order by:
  1. 50
    1940s's icon


    Ranking #50
  2. 112
    650 movies, that changed the world's icon

    650 movies, that changed the world

    Ranking #112
  3. 287
    962 Noir Films from They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (including TSPDT's 250 Quintessential Noir Films)'s icon

    962 Noir Films from They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? (including TSPDT's 250 Quintessential Noir Films)

    Ranking #287
  4. 51
    Cinéfiches.com's Les Incontournables's icon

    Cinéfiches.com's Les Incontournables

    Ranking #51
  5. 134
    CriterionForum Lists Project - 1940s (Version 3.0)'s icon

    CriterionForum Lists Project - 1940s (Version 3.0)

    Ranking #134
  6. 88
    Doubling the Canon (All lists combined)'s icon

    Doubling the Canon (All lists combined)

    Ranking #88
  7. 982
    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined's icon

    Every TSZDT Top 1,000 List Combined

    Ranking #982
  8. 110
    Ex-Top1000 - They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?'s icon

    Ex-Top1000 - They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?

    Ranking #110
  9. 38
    Filmsite.org's Third 100 Greatest Films's icon

    Filmsite.org's Third 100 Greatest Films

    Ranking #38
  10. 20
    Heart of Noir ~ 2nd tier ~ The Greats's icon

    Heart of Noir ~ 2nd tier ~ The Greats

    Ranking #20
  11. 2148
    iCheckMovies Most Favorite - Top 5000 (2501-5000)'s icon

    iCheckMovies Most Favorite - Top 5000 (2501-5000)

    Ranking #2148
  12. 999
    iCM Forum's 1001 Favourite Movies's icon

    iCM Forum's 1001 Favourite Movies

    Ranking #999
  13. 84
    iCM Forum's Favorite Film Performances's icon

    iCM Forum's Favorite Film Performances

    Ranking #84
  14. 78
    iCM Forum's Favourite Films of the 1940s Complete List's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Films of the 1940s Complete List

    Ranking #78
  15. 78
    iCM Forum's Favourite Films of the 1940s Top 250's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Films of the 1940s Top 250

    Ranking #78
  16. 799
    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations's icon

    iCM Forum's Favourite Horror Films: All Nominations

    Ranking #799
  17. 272
    ICM Forum's Favourite Murder Mysteries - All Votes's icon

    ICM Forum's Favourite Murder Mysteries - All Votes

    Ranking #272
  18. 207
    iCM Forum's Top 250 Highest Rated Mystery Movies's icon

    iCM Forum's Top 250 Highest Rated Mystery Movies

    Ranking #207
  19. 148
    ICM Forum's Year-by-Year Poll Top 10s's icon

    ICM Forum's Year-by-Year Poll Top 10s

    Ranking #148
  20. 288
    ICM Forum's Year-by-Year Poll Top 20s's icon

    ICM Forum's Year-by-Year Poll Top 20s

    Ranking #288
  21. 37
    More Noirs from TSPDT (outdated)'s icon

    More Noirs from TSPDT (outdated)

    Ranking #37
  22. 86
    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time's icon

    Paste's The 100 Best Film Noirs of All Time

    Ranking #86
  23. 75
    Psychology in Movies's icon

    Psychology in Movies

    Ranking #75
  24. 43
    Reddit Chosen Oscars Best Picture Nominees's icon

    Reddit Chosen Oscars Best Picture Nominees

    Ranking #43
  25. 325
    They Shoot Pictures Don't They 2016 1001-2000 (unranked)'s icon

    They Shoot Pictures Don't They 2016 1001-2000 (unranked)

    Ranking #325
  26. 235
    Tim Dirks' Greatest Films's icon

    Tim Dirks' Greatest Films

    Ranking #235
  27. 92
    TSPDT - Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon (Most voted films)'s icon

    TSPDT - Beyond the Sight & Sound Canon (Most voted films)

    Ranking #92
  28. 1375
    TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films: 1001-2500's icon

    TSPDT's 1,000 Greatest Films: 1001-2500

    Ranking #1375
  29. 286
    TSPDT's 1,000 Noir Films's icon

    TSPDT's 1,000 Noir Films

    Ranking #286
  30. 702
    TSZDT 1001-2000's icon

    TSZDT 1001-2000

    Ranking #702
Please note that number of personal lists displayed might be different from the total number of personal lists this movie is in. This is due to the fact that some of those personal lists might not be visible to you, as the user made them private or only viewable by his/her friends.