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Comments 1 - 15 of 29

-Toppler-'s avatar


"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"

7 years 4 months ago
palefire's avatar


The opening scene is incredible.
7 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


They identified what people liked about the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie and with Vol.2, pushed on those buttons a little too hard, I thought. Some of the soundtrack cues felt forced and gratuitous, and there's perhaps too much cutesy Baby Groot for my tastes (especially when a movie has sex jokes and language inappropriate to the young kids brought out to see talking twigs and raccoons). That said, it was, like the original, great fun filled with geeky references, Gamora getting more agency (the one real problem with the first film), and an epilogue that had me holding back sobs. On a writing level, the film works by having a proper theme and delving into it no holds barred. Since Peter Quill is to meet his long-lost father, the film becomes about family, and more specifically about fatherhood. And so characters will invariably talk about their fathers, or surrogate fathers, or lack of fathers, and how that relationship molded them. Even Ayesha's Sovereign, essentially grown in genetics labs, and thus fatherless, act as a comment on the lack of a parental figure, in fact a race of adult children playing video games all day. It's everywhere you look, and that makes it a film ABOUT something, which is definitely what I want my superhero movies to be. While Vol.2 lacks the freshness of the original (we've gone from no expectations to high expectations), that was par for the course; it is a strong done-in-one superhero narrative with good jokes, action and emotion.
7 years 4 months ago
rabsi1's avatar


A passable movie ruined by its insistence to pound every joke into the ground to make absolutely sure you get it.

To the point where it actually isn't very funny.
7 years 5 months ago
Pauljt1980's avatar


Very worthy sequel, loved it
7 years 5 months ago
Cinemoos's avatar


I really loved the first Guardians of the Galaxy. It was a refreshingly good Marvel movie. Marvel tends to exploit all their franchises to the limit. In the end, Marvel ruins it. Also this movie. The plot is so cheesy and the effects are ridiculous. They should really rethink their strategy and make high quality movies. If you don't have a great script, than don't make the movie. Because this one is a huge disappointment.
7 years 4 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Ok sequel with lots of action and humor but also Total nonsense and OVERLONG.....Why does every movie needs to be over 2 hours.

Put brain in zombie modes and let yourself be entertaintedā€¦..just don't try to rememeber anything cause its very forgettableā€¦..but fun
6 years ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


They took everything we loved about the characters and instead of expanding on it, push it in the wrong direction.

The storyline was far too stretched and the ending far too predictable.

Hopefully we'll have a meatier storyline and decent character development in the next one.
7 years 1 month ago
Anukis's avatar


Not so good as I imagine.
Don't misundertand me, it's not a bad movie, but I prefer the first one. I think they exploit too much this concept, or at least not in the correct way.
The jokes wasn't so good, they were kind of forced, I didn't laugh like in the first one.
The music was good, as always, I think that's the part I like the most.... the rest was predictable.
7 years 4 months ago
FightaPilot's avatar



Lacked all charm and fun of the original.

Bascially one long fight scene with occasional mildly amusing quipt.

7 years 1 month ago
chaybee1's avatar


The opening scene is insufferable.
7 years 2 months ago
Pike's avatar


The fuckers didn't use the best part of ''The Chain'' by Fleetwood Mac; the bassline seguing into the final guitar solo. Now that would have been the perfect score to all the CGI/alien-explosion gibberish that followed, what a damned waste. That is it's worst sin. For the rest, it's a perfectly adequate yet toothless piece of entertainment. These Marvel movies get more like watching a ridiculously high budget TV show with each outing, also they are becoming more and more Disney-fied. I appreciated the opening scene, where they at least are reaching for something cinematic.
7 years 4 months ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Well made, but boy the story was a hell of a lot weaker in this go-round. See it, but check your mind at the door.
7 years 4 months ago
Adamov10's avatar


a film that always described by people as "awesome". so "Awesome" must mean shit then
7 years 1 month ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I found it more entertaining than the first one. Bautista has a wonderful ability to make you laugh just by laughing himself. The soundtracks did feel less seamlessly woven into the movie as the first one but it could be because the novelty isn't as fresh, being the sequel after all.
6 years 9 months ago

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